26 ways to have fun at work right now
26 ways to have fun at work right now

There are days when it seems that the worst of your work in the world does not exist and it is generally not clear how you managed to be here. At such a moment, you just need to open this article and follow the instructions strictly.

26 ways to have fun at work right now
26 ways to have fun at work right now

You can read a thousand times about the fact that you only need to do what is really interesting. Undoubtedly, such work is the most successful and brings real satisfaction. But the reality of life, unfortunately, is far from so rosy. Someone has to fill in those boring columns in Excel, call customers, keep track of sales and do a thousand other very useful, but not very enjoyable office tasks. However, in any case, you have a way out. In this article, you will learn how to have fun at work, whoever you work and whatever you do.

Right now

  1. Give yourself a nice reward. Everyone loves to receive prizes and rewards. For some, it even becomes the main stimulus for life. If the bosses don't spoil you too much with awards, then why not come up with an incentive yourself?
  2. Play like a child. If you are busy with boring adult things all day, then it is quite possible to allocate yourself half an hour purely for entertainment and go through a couple of levels in your favorite game. Moreover, there are as many as 10 reasons why we become happier while playing.
  3. Buy yourself flowers. Do not believe that flowers are loved only by tearful young ladies in a romantic mood. They are liked by everyone, without exception, and by their very appearance they create a festive atmosphere. You just need to choose them correctly.
  4. Create a playlist to boost your mood. Put on your headphones and hide from this terrible world behind a wall of your favorite tunes. Music can be one of the most powerful factors that can help you relax or, conversely, focus on work.
  5. Dance. Yes, dancing may not be accepted in your group, and you may be looked at with surprise. But you can argue that this great activity not only kills boredom, but also allows you to get smarter!
  6. Meditate. All people who practice meditation testify to its extraordinary ability to control their mood and well-being. It's time to check it out for yourself. You can try one of these simple methods to get started.
  7. Take a walk (especially on a sunny day) … Never, never spend your lunch break in your office. Take every opportunity to escape from this kingdom of air conditioners and artificial lighting to the street. Hiking will help you get your thoughts in order and also help you lose weight quickly.
  8. Eat something to improve your mood. I love chocolate. But I will not refuse any other delicacy either. In any case, whatever your tastes, you can always give yourself a little relaxation and indulge in your favorite food. The main thing is to know when to stop.
  9. Drink some water. Maintaining water balance is not only good for your health, but also has a positive effect on your emotional background.
  10. Just smile. When we are happy, we smile. But there is also the opposite pattern: when we smile, we become happier.

This week

  1. Less coffee and more exercise. No, coffee in limited quantities is quite capable of lifting your mood. The main thing is not to abuse, because you can end up turning into a coffee addict. It is better to lean on physical exercises, because they bring about the same burst of energy as a cup of strong coffee.
  2. Help your colleagues. This is one of the best ways to feel your value and take a fresh look at work responsibilities. Realizing your usefulness will help you find new meaning in your work and, perhaps, even love it.
  3. Think about the good things that happened to you every day. And really, what are we all about sad and sad? It's not all bad. Let's remember the good things that are in the life of every person. Believe me, if you look at your life calmly and impartially, then there will be much more positive in it than it seems.
  4. Buy yourself a fun mug. Sometimes it is enough to change even one little thing to bring a pleasant shade to your working day. The mug is, of course, given as an example. It can be any other thing, one look at which makes you smile.
  5. Decorate your workplace. If you have been working in one place for a long time, then its atmosphere may gradually begin to put pressure on your psyche. Try, due to the available opportunities, to change furniture, repaint walls, change decor elements, and so on. You can get acquainted with the best options in our special series of articles.
  6. Set aside at least 20 minutes daily for personal tasks. Take at least a five-minute break every hour. Even this small interval can be spent with great benefit. Ultimately, this will not hinder your productivity in the least, but on the contrary, it will increase it.
  7. Remember the value of yourself. Low self-esteem is an inexhaustible source of anxiety and bad mood. She is able to poison even a beautiful day and make the strongest person weak and indecisive. It is necessary to grow and cultivate faith in yourself, and this will help you out more than once in life.
  8. Track your progress. The best way to motivate is to document your achievements in a visual and detailed way. To do this, you can keep a special diary, where you can only record your victories and records.
  9. Change your routine. Identical and monotonously changing days can depress anyone. To prevent this from happening, try to at least occasionally introduce an element of surprise into your routine. Get off one stop early and walk to work. Order a new dish. Watch a horror movie. You will find more options in this application.

This month

  1. Come up with a joint event. Your attitude towards work can change dramatically after the relationship at work changes. It is much more pleasant when you are surrounded by a team of like-minded people, united not only by common goals, but also by similar interests. Try to organize socializing with employees in an informal setting, such as working out at the gym, going outdoors, or at least a party.
  2. Sleep more. When you do not get enough sleep once for a couple of hours, then nothing seems to happen. But when it becomes a system, it starts to ruin your life. You become lethargic and irritable, you are overcome by chronic fatigue and bouts of bad mood. So you should definitely establish an optimal sleep pattern for yourself and strictly observe it.
  3. Change your morning routine. Many argue that the first minutes of your day can largely determine the course of your day. If you started your day in turmoil and chaos, then chances are high that it will end in this rhythm. So get up early, take your time and be sure to have breakfast. On a full stomach, even the most awful job will seem not so disgusting.
  4. Spend your weekend the right way. If on the weekend you change an office chair for a seat on the couch in front of the TV, then there will be no sense from such a rest. One headache and fatigue at the beginning of the work week. Therefore, try to spend the weekend as actively as possible and as far as possible from your home on the couch. Better on Monday the muscles hurt, not the head. All successful people do this.
  5. Set yourself an ambitious goal. There is nothing worse for a person than feeling his worthlessness and the futility of his efforts. Therefore, even if your work does not imply great goals, then come up with them for yourself. A simple and memorable VODKA principle will help to do it correctly.
  6. Communicate more. Man is a social being and cannot exist without communication. The main thing is that this communication is positive and developing, and not vice versa. Therefore, it is very important to strictly filter the circle of people with whom you have to interact. Well, do not forget about a few axioms that will help make your communication more useful.
  7. Take a student … If you are sure that there is absolutely nothing attractive and interesting in your profession, then take on teaching someone. Wide open, admiring newbie eyes will help you to look at your work with a fresh look and find many attractive aspects in it that you are simply already used to and which you do not notice.

Well, did it help? Are you a little happier?
