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The neuroscientist told how to "flash" the brain for great success
The neuroscientist told how to "flash" the brain for great success

Follow these guidelines and make your brain the ultimate tool for success.

The neuroscientist told how to "flash" the brain for great success
The neuroscientist told how to "flash" the brain for great success

The way our brain works affects every aspect of our life. According to a number of studies described by neuroscientist Michael Merzenich, we can dramatically change how the brain works and thereby tune it to success.

The brain can filter the information we remember. Therefore, each person should focus on the things that are most important to achieve their life goals. Moreover, it has been shown that new neurons are formed in the brain as a result of mental activity.

You can train your mind to improve performance. Follow these guidelines, and your brain will soon become your primary tool for success.

Do mental aerobics

Mental aerobics is suitable for anyone, regardless of age or lifestyle. It can be solving crosswords, playing chess or some other activity - the main thing is that it makes you think.

Studies show that successful people spend 15-30 minutes a day thinking. Start the day with a warm-up to help your mind stay fit and handle the challenges of everyday life.

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? You need a willingness to learn, the ability to concentrate, absorb information and always be aware that a businessman must work 24/7.

Mark Cuban entrepreneur, billionaire

Look for fresh ideas

Fill your mind with fresh ideas every day. Do things that you find interesting. If you are curious about a particular sport, take the time to master it and turn it into a hobby. This will help you overcome your physical limitations and strengthen your mind.

Continuous learning equates to personal growth. You will teach your brain to focus so that it can work effectively even when you have a lot to do.

According to entrepreneur Jack Welch, the secret to success is continuous growth. Therefore, do not dwell on what you know and what you have. Look for opportunities to learn new skills and improve old ones.

Imagine the person you want to become

Try to visualize what you want to be when you reach a certain age. This will gather the energy you need to turn your vision into reality. Moreover, you will be able to project the attitude you need to become that person.

By imagining your success, you will find the strength to fulfill your goals, even when your hands are down. Visualization prepares your brain for opportunities that come your way to success.

Focus on long-term goals

Many people fail to achieve success because they fail to set a specific long-term goal. If you do not expect anything from life, then it becomes meaningless - no matter what and how well you do it.

There are people who are forced by circumstances to change plans from time to time. Ultimately, this hinders their success. Train your brain to always be ready for what lies ahead.

Switch to exponential thinking

A change in mindset can lead to significant growth. Exponential thinking takes your mind to the next level because you are striving for more global things.

You start to expect faster growth because you can look ahead. And even failure does not discourage you. You are always ready for what awaits you.
