15 unexpected discoveries you will make thanks to your bike
15 unexpected discoveries you will make thanks to your bike

A bicycle is not just a means of transportation. For many, he becomes a best friend, a sports partner, an extreme projectile, or even a religion. You can find exactly what you need in the bike.

15 unexpected discoveries you will make thanks to your bike
15 unexpected discoveries you will make thanks to your bike

I noticed a long time ago that there is something special about people who ride a bicycle. Regardless of whether they are athletes, tourists or just amateurs, they look as if they know something that is unknown to mere mortals. Maybe this is because they feel a little alien in this world, imprisoned for pedestrians and motorists? Or maybe they are just so influenced by these unexpected discoveries that they make after buying a bike?

  1. A bicycle is not just a means of transportation. For many, he becomes a best friend, a sports partner, an extreme projectile, or even a religion. You can find exactly what you need in the bike.
  2. Cars smoke. They poison the air and people. It is enough just to ride a bike in the same stream with them to realize forever what evil it is.
  3. The world is full of interesting places that will become available to you. Pedestrians cannot get to them due to the remoteness, and motorists - because of bad roads or their absence.
  4. A bicycle helmet is not funny. Yes, it sometimes looks like part of an alien's costume, but this will stop worrying you after the first dangerous situation on the road.
  5. Panties with a diaper? Give me two pairs, please, I'm a cyclist.
  6. The construction of a bicycle is slightly less complex than that of a spacecraft. And it costs almost the same. In any case, your wife will very quickly form just such an opinion.
  7. You will get to know the yard dogs all over the area. Very quickly learn safe routes and survival methods when attacking our four-legged friends.
  8. A ride for 100, 200 or 300 kilometers will no longer be perceived by you as something fantastic. It's just a matter of time and perseverance, no magic.
  9. Your fifth point will go through all the same stages as the fingers of a beginner guitarist. Through pain, chafing, calluses and loss of sensation until fully adapted to the bike saddle.
  10. It turns out that you can lose weight not only on boring machines, but also on a bike. Delightful!
  11. You will learn the rules of the road. Well, if you want to survive, of course.
  12. The cyclist is his own person everywhere. In the city, you will be viewed as an advanced fashion dude who follows the latest world trends. In the village, the cyclist will also be perceived quite favorably, in contrast to "those pot-bellied in jeeps."
  13. A car is not the fastest mode of transport. Especially in an urban environment.
  14. A bicycle makes a person healthier. Well, yes, everyone knows this, but when you feel on yourself and feel the speed of change, it seems like a wonderful discovery.
  15. From the outside it seems that we are just riding a bicycle. We actually fly. Not very high, but fast enough to be breathtaking.
bike fly
bike fly

What unexpected discoveries did our readers make when they started cycling?
