5 tips for those who are not affected by motivational articles
5 tips for those who are not affected by motivational articles

Usually you read a motivating article or book, get inspired and do what it says for a few days, but then forget until the next inspiring book. This post is for those who are tired of ephemeral and short-lived motivation and want practical advice that really works.

5 tips for those who are not affected by motivational articles
5 tips for those who are not affected by motivational articles

Considering the number of articles and books that call to become better, the very concept of "self-improvement" is associated with something short-lived and useless. Or maybe even harmful, because all this information makes it seem like a person can improve just by reading articles and buying motivating books.

Here are five practical tips to motivate yourself and get better without new books or articles.

1. Adjust goals to match your real life, not vice versa

It is clear that when you think about goals, you want to set the bar higher. It's nice to see it on paper, but it's hard to bring it to life. Therefore, lofty goals so often remain unfulfilled.

So do not overestimate your strengths and set realistic goals for yourself that relate to your real life. For example, if you have three young children, you probably won't be able to find six hours a day to write a novel.

Be realistic and set small goals. It will be much easier for you to achieve them and it will be more pleasant to see that you are gradually getting closer to your dream.

To determine how much free time you have and how much you can actually spend on an activity, try planning your day by the hour.

2. Set personal standards

There will always be people in society who will say that you are doing too much. You, too, always compare yourself with other people, and if you really do a lot against their background, this can slow down your development.

You should not look back at others, otherwise you will live like them, and not how you want. It is important to gain a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and to build your life in accordance with your goals, and not with what people say.

What do you care about a colleague who says that you don't feel sorry for yourself at all and work hard if your goal is to get a promotion before the end of the year? Will you listen to a friend who says you go to the gym too often if you have to lose 5kg by next summer?

3. Don't look back

If you've ever played sports for a long time, you know how bad it is to stop developing and do less than what you are capable of.

Point # 1 is important precisely because small goals are easier to achieve by gradually increasing the load.

Start with small tasks, complete them no matter what, and gradually increase the load. Sequential execution is much better than sudden, single bursts of activity, both in the gym and in any other area.

4. Do for someone close

If you are having trouble achieving goals for yourself, try doing it for someone close to you. Become better at something to please your loved ones. This does not mean that you earn their love, but rather you express yours.

Let's remember the novel by Jack London "Martin Eden". Could the main character have been able to change if he had not fallen in love with Ruth and decided to become different for her sake? Love gave him an iron will, and he changed beyond recognition, overcame the cultural abyss and became a level higher than his beloved (let's not remember the sad end).

Just do not confuse achieving goals for someone and achieving goals that are imposed on you by someone. You should not follow the lead of other people, even the closest ones, if they are trying to impose their vision on you.

5. Love and forgive yourself

Guilt, shame, and regret are the worst and worst feelings you can end your day with. Some people even wake up feeling self-loathing.

If you, too, often experience similar feelings, think about this: you have to live with yourself for a very, very long time. You are unique with your set of skills and talents, and all the skills and qualities that you lack are quite possible to develop.

Do everything as well as you can, and remember that a little is better than nothing.

Every day is your new chance to do better and achieve your goals. Every day.
