Workout of the Day: 5 Exercises to Build Your Back at Home
Workout of the Day: 5 Exercises to Build Your Back at Home

You don't even need a horizontal bar.

Workout of the Day: 5 Exercises to Build Your Back at Home
Workout of the Day: 5 Exercises to Build Your Back at Home

To swing the back, as a rule, they train on simulators, with dumbbells or on a horizontal bar. But if you don’t have anything suitable, you can load your lats, traps, and hind deltas with your body weight.

You can choose one or two exercises and incorporate them into your home exercise program along with movements for other muscle groups. Or do the whole set in one back workout.

Exercises include:

  1. Semi-squat unilateral wall pull-up.
  2. Adduction and abduction of the shoulder in support lying on one hand.
  3. Rise on the elbows while lying on the floor.
  4. Bringing the shoulders while lying on the stomach.
  5. Rise on the elbows with support on the wall.

Perform movements in three to five approaches 10-12 times, depending on your level of training. You can increase the load in the second and fourth exercises by holding a small bottle of water in your hand.
