Killing leg workout
Killing leg workout

Today is Ladies Feet Day! You will need dumbbells and barbell pancakes. If you take more weight or increase the number of repetitions, or even approaches, this workout is also suitable for men.

Killing leg workout
Killing leg workout

We invite you to diversify your workouts and add new elements to them. If you don't have dumbbells, you can use two lighter pancakes. For optimal results, it is advisable to perform this complex twice a week with a break between classes for at least 48 hours.

Exercise 1. Lunges with arms raised

Leg Exercises: Lunges with Arms Raised
Leg Exercises: Lunges with Arms Raised

Working muscles: four-headed, gluteus maximus, deltoid, calf.

Stand straight with one foot in front of the other at a stride distance. Pick up a pancake and lift it over your head. Sit down so that the front leg is bent at a 90 degree angle. The knee of the other leg tends to the floor, but does not touch it. The body is tense. Return to starting position.

Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps on each leg. Choose two weights for yourself: large and medium. As soon as you feel tired, take on a lighter weight.

Exercise 2. Squats with dumbbells

Leg Exercises: Dumbbell Squats
Leg Exercises: Dumbbell Squats

Working muscles: four-headed, gluteal, popliteal, calf.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, pancakes are placed under the heels, arms with dumbbells are lowered. Sit back, knees do not extend over toes, weight is transferred to heels. At the bottom of the squat, your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Return to starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 10-12 squats.

Exercise 3. Pancake lunges

Leg Exercises: Pancake Lunges
Leg Exercises: Pancake Lunges

Working muscles: large gluteal, popliteal, calf.

Take light weight pancakes in both hands, feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge with your right foot forward. The right leg is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the left knee practically touches the floor. To put more stress on your glutes, lean forward slightly with your back straight, transferring most of your weight to your right leg. Return to starting position and switch legs.

Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps on each leg.

Exercise 4. Calf Raise

Leg Exercise: Toe Raise
Leg Exercise: Toe Raise

Working muscles: calf.

Stand straight on a firm, level surface with feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your weight in front of you. Slowly rise onto your toes, and then just as slowly lower yourself without touching the floor with your heels.

Do 4 sets of 15-20 reps.

Exercise 5. Pushing the weight forward

Leg Exercise: Pushing Weights Forward
Leg Exercise: Pushing Weights Forward

Working muscles: large gluteal, deltoid, large pectorals.

Lunge and place your hands on the heavy pancake in front of you. Start pushing it forward, pushing off the floor with the toe of your back foot. Try to move the pancake 30-60 meters.

Perform 3-4 sets.
