How to diversify your run by adding zombies to it
How to diversify your run by adding zombies to it

I have long wanted to diversify my running workouts. By chance I came across Zombies, Run and realized that this is exactly what I want. To run, hear the approaching roar of a crowd of zombies and give all my best - I could not even dream of the best.

How to diversify your run by adding zombies to it
How to diversify your run by adding zombies to it

I understood what I want in sports. Not because I'm tired of the old workouts, but because I get great pleasure from the new sensations in sports. Crossfit ropes, TRX, running in winter - all this gives new sensations, and then you cannot forget them for a long time.

After taking a short break from training due to illness, I decided that for now I have no desire to return to the gym. I froze my subscription and decided to try something new. This new one turned out to be from a zombie. No kidding.

I've heard about the Zombies app, Run for a long time. Ira Baranskaya did it It so happened that my desire to try something new coincided with the fact that I accidentally stumbled upon this application in the App Store and thought, why not? After all, many of us are fans of The Walking Dead, so why not dive deeper into the zombie theme?

I dressed as warmly as possible, went outside, put my headphones in my ear, turned on the app, and put on the most skeptical face I could muster. I could not believe that something interesting was waiting for me. History poured into my ears.

Post-apocalypse. The helicopter on which you got to the base crashes in the middle of a city infested with zombies. Your task is to get to the fortified base, following the prompts of one of the survivors at the base.

After the helicopter crashes, we are contacted by one of the survivors at the base we flew to. He says that he sees us on the radar, and asks us to hurry up, as zombies began to move at the sound of the crash.

The only salvation is to run.

This is how the first mission begins. Now our goal is simple - we start training. Communication with the application is one-way and comes down to listening to prompts and sounds in headphones. We are informed when we pick up an item, run a kilometer or approach a new task. But that's not the coolest thing.

Zombie. They are all the trick.

From time to time we start to hear the grunts and moans of zombies. If you run slowly, zombies will come closer and you will have to speed up. The GPS app tracks your speed and you can't fool it. In order not to dwell on the difficulty of escaping from zombies for a long time, I will say that in the first run they caught up with me five times.

Add to the dark time of day the moans of zombies in your ears and you will want to run faster and faster
Add to the dark time of day the moans of zombies in your ears and you will want to run faster and faster

On the way, you will collect various supplies - this is your main goal. After the run, you must fortify your base and supply the inhabitants with supplies.


In addition to being a great motivator, playing can also be used to track your progress. The app monitors distance, speed and calories burned. Another great thing is that you are not limited to the same mission with the same prompts. There are many different tasks in the game that will make each workout unique.

Another plus of the application is the following:

Even though you realize that the zombies are not real, you start running like Usain Bolt when you hear them approaching.

Running away from zombies, it turns out to give all the best
Running away from zombies, it turns out to give all the best

If I used to jog most of the time, now I run at crazy intervals. Moreover, these intervals are not set by me, but by the application.

In general, my experiment ended with the fact that in the near future I will only run with this application for many reasons:

  1. A very interesting story in which you want to participate and listen to it to the end.
  2. Tracking progress.
  3. The coolest motivator in the form of zombies growling in your ear, coming closer and closer.

If you have long wanted to try something new in training - this is it. I'm sure.
