Cross-training options for runners
Cross-training options for runners

Do you just have to run to run better? Not really. Any type of repetitive workout can lead to decreased performance, burnout, and sometimes injury from lack of rest. Cross-training can help you stay active and stay active every day. We suggest you add variety to your running workouts with one of the alternatives.

Cross-training options for runners
Cross-training options for runners

The idea behind cross-training is that in order to improve performance in your favorite sport, you need to develop the necessary qualities through alternative training. Runner options: swimming, cycling, yoga and pilates, rowing machine and orbit track - it all depends on your goals.

To improve endurance

If you're training for a marathon, yoga can help strengthen your leg and back muscles, and crawl swimming can help build endurance.

In the pool, try the following program a couple of times:

  • 200 m crawl at a comfortable pace;
  • 100 m swim with a board in hand or on the back;
  • 6 sets of crawl at an intense pace of 25 meters with a rest of 45 seconds.
cross training - swimming
cross training - swimming

You can see the best asanas for runners here.

To increase speed

Interval training on a stationary bike can help with this, for example:

  • 10 minutes at a speed of 6 km / h;
  • alternation: 30 seconds - 30 km / h, 60 seconds - 10 km / h (repeat 5-10 times);
  • 15 minutes at a speed of 15–20 km / h.

And if you have steel knees, you can try plyometrics.

cross training - plyometrics
cross training - plyometrics

To lose weight

If you run to lose weight, then it is very important for you that you do not get sick of the exercises and at the same time the body develops harmoniously. Pay attention to your upper body: do butterfly swim, do Pilates or one of the intense yoga classes, or sit on a rowing machine.

cross training - rowing machine
cross training - rowing machine

For running into joy

If you run often just because you love it, then it will be useful for you to replace 1-2 runs a week with an exercise on the orbit track. You will get about the same cardio load, but with significantly less stress on your joints and spine.

Cross-training - orbitrek
Cross-training - orbitrek

But the main factor in choosing cross-training should be your predisposition to a particular sport. The advantage of non-professional athletes is the ability to prioritize exercise pleasure above athletic goals.
