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How to build shoulders: a classic set of exercises
How to build shoulders: a classic set of exercises

It is not easy to build up your shoulder muscles. But a minimal knowledge of anatomy and regular practice of these exercises will give the desired result.

How to build shoulders: a classic set of exercises
How to build shoulders: a classic set of exercises

The specifics of shoulder exercises

The muscles of the shoulders are partially loaded during the performance of basic exercises on the arms and back, but this load is not enough for their high-quality and rapid growth. Only training will help to work them out properly, at the beginning of which the shoulders will be loaded in a complex manner, and then - in isolation.

If you are trying to build shoulder muscles, it is mainly about increasing the volume of the deltoid muscles. Due to the complex mechanism of work, the deltas cannot be given the same serious load as, for example, the pectoral muscles. When isolating the muscles of the shoulders during exercise, remember to increase the load gradually. It is important not to overdo it to avoid injury.

How to swing your shoulders

Seated Dumbbell Press

An exercise that can be safely advised for beginners or those who are only concerned with the volume and strength of their shoulders. It is also quite suitable for warming up muscles before doing more difficult exercises.

Bench press standing

A classic exercise for pumping the deltoid muscles, the implementation of which is fundamentally important for the harmonious development of the muscles of the whole body. It makes it possible to implement the principle of load progression.

Standing Chin Row

Loads the trapezius, anterior and middle deltoid muscles. Moreover, the wider the grip, the greater the load is transferred from the trapezius muscle to the deltas.

When performing the exercise, the back should be flat, the elbows lead the movement. Do the deadlift slowly, properly feeling and working out the deltas and trapezoid. At the top, your elbows should be above your shoulders. After that, just as gently and slowly return the bar to the lower position.

Rises (swings) of dumbbells through the sides while standing

Exercise for advanced athletes. Tilt your body forward slightly, lower your shoulders as low as possible. When doing the exercise, the thumbs should be pointing down. Swing with great care so as not to injure the deltas.

Wide grip pull-ups

The deltoid muscles are used in a complex manner. In addition to the deltas, the trapezius muscle and the muscles of the arms will be loaded.

Pumped shoulders make men look bigger and more attractive. Competently applied efforts in the end will pay off 100%. Train and achieve your goals.
