Table of contents:

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy and what to do next
How to recognize a frozen pregnancy and what to do next

It can appear at any time for up to 20 weeks.

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy and what to do next
How to recognize a frozen pregnancy and what to do next

What is a missed pregnancy

A frozen, or undeveloped, missed miscarriage pregnancy is a condition in which the embryo or fetus has died. However, he is still in the uterus. The placenta continues to secrete hormones, so the woman sometimes has signs of pregnancy.

A gynecologist can diagnose a missed pregnancy at any time up to the 20th week.

What are the causes of a frozen pregnancy

There are several reasons for a missed pregnancy. Although in some cases non-developing pregnancy. Methodological recommendations of MARS doctors cannot understand why the woman lost her child.

Violation of the anatomy of the uterus

Defects Non-developing pregnancy. MARS guidelines can be congenital and acquired. The first is the doubling of the uterus. The latter most often appear after operations. For example, curettage, that is, removal of the endometrium. This procedure is sometimes performed after childbirth for medical reasons or in previous frozen pregnancies.

With organ abnormalities, the fetus or embryo dies due to hormonal disorders or the fact that the egg does not properly attach to the uterine wall.

Chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo

For this reason, 50–85% of miscarriages occur. If a fertilized egg consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes, then it is adapted for development into a healthy embryo, which turns into a fetus at the eighth week. If the unborn child has more or less 23 pairs of chromosomes, this is an abnormality. He is unlikely to survive after birth. This can cause a missed pregnancy or miscarriage, usually in the first trimester.

Endometrial Disorder

Normally, the endometrium is found only in the uterus. With endometriosis, tissue accumulates outside of it, can distort the position of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. This condition makes it difficult for some women to become pregnant Endometriosis and miscarriage - an overview of current evidence.

How exactly the deviation can cause a frozen pregnancy is not yet clear. But the researchers say Endometriosis and miscarriage: Systematic review that women with the disease have an 80% higher risk of not carrying a child than healthy women.

Blood clotting disorder

Another cause of missed pregnancies is Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in Pregnancy. With a disease, the blood clots very actively and blood clots may appear in the placenta. Because of this, the blood supply to the fetus deteriorates and in some cases it dies.


They do not always lead to a missed pregnancy or miscarriage, but they increase the risk. The following Causes of Miscarriage infections can be dangerous to the embryo or fetus:

  • rubella;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • HIV;
  • dengue fever;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • malaria;
  • parvovirus B19.

Other reasons

Non-developing pregnancy is sometimes associated with age. Miscarriage in early pregnancy: diagnosis and management of the mother. Women after 40 years old lose children in 40% of cases, after 45 - in 60%. Previous miscarriages, smoking, drug use, obesity and some drugs can also affect the development of the embryo or fetus.

Precisely do not affect the appearance of Miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy: diagnostics and tactics of managing a frozen pregnancy, air travel, vaccination against the human papillomavirus, sex, stress, previous abortions (if not carried out for medical reasons), sports and taking oral contraceptives.

What are the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy

If the woman has had signs of non-developing pregnancy. Methodical recommendations of MARS pregnancy, they may disappear. First, nausea, vomiting and hypersalivation disappear, that is, an increase in the secretion of the salivary glands. After 3–6 days, engorgement (enlargement and painful sensations) of the mammary glands passes. From the 16th to the 20th week, the baby does not begin to move or the movements disappear.

If the dead fetus is in the uterus for more than 3-4 weeks, weakness, dizziness, and fever may appear. At the 6th week - spotting. Only 10% of women complain of these symptoms.

Sometimes a frozen pregnancy is asymptomatic. In this case, it can only be detected during routine screening.

What to do if you suspect a frozen pregnancy

An urgent need to contact a gynecologist. If the period is more than 10 weeks, the doctor will diagnose Identifying and Treating a Missed Abortion during an ultrasound scan. The main symptom is the absence of a fetal heartbeat.

Until the 10th week, they learn about the condition in a different way. The doctor monitors the hCG hormone in the blood for several days. If the pregnancy is over, the level does not rise at the usual rate. When the doctor is not sure about the test results, he may prescribe an ultrasound scan. So the specialist checks whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the current date.

If a frozen pregnancy is confirmed, it must be terminated. Depending on the period and condition of the woman, the gynecologist can offer several ways.

"Wait-and-see" tactics

Passes only under the supervision of a doctor, sometimes in a hospital. You cannot assign it yourself, it can harm. The tactics are designed to ensure that miscarriage Miscarriage in early pregnancy: diagnosis and management tactics will happen on their own and no medical intervention is needed.

The gynecologist will usually suggest this option in the first trimester if the woman has mild bleeding and moderate pain. There should be no infections and profuse uterine bleeding.

The disadvantage of this method is that during miscarriage, the fetus may not come out completely. Then you will need the help of a surgeon.

Medical abortion

Possible up to the 6th week of pregnancy. The doctor injects the patient with a drug, which after a few hours causes contractions, bleeding, and subsequently miscarriage. Medications are also prescribed to help the woman cope with side effects. For example, chills or fever.

An ultrasound scan is performed 7-14 days after the abortion. This is necessary to find out if the uterus is completely empty. If not, the gynecologist offers the patient a “wait and see” tactic or curettage.

Curettage of the uterus

Operation Miscarriage in early pregnancy: diagnosis and management tactics are carried out if a woman has anemia, heavy bleeding has begun, or the gestational age is more than 12 weeks. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the frozen fetus and placenta. Many people choose scraping themselves because it is the fastest way to terminate a pregnancy.


This operation can be performed at the term Non-developing pregnancy. Methodical recommendations MARS up to 12 weeks. The surgeon inserts a Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) tube into the uterus, which aspirates the fetus and placenta. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. After it, the patient remains under the supervision of a doctor for an hour. Unlike curettage, vacuum aspiration is performed under local anesthesia, the woman loses less blood.

How is the recovery after a frozen pregnancy

Non-developing pregnancy in most patients is accompanied by chronic endometritis Non-developing pregnancy. Methodical recommendations MARS, that is, inflammation of the uterine mucosa. It needs to be treated in the first three months after fetal loss. Where the therapy will take place - at home or in the hospital, the doctor decides. But in both cases, antibiotics are prescribed.

Also, to restore the structure and functions of the endometrium, doctors prescribe hormonal, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy.

Only 18% of women succeed in carrying a child the next time without treatment.

How to help yourself emotionally after a frozen pregnancy

The pain of losing a fetus may seem unwarranted. Your feelings and emotions after miscarriage because the parents have not even seen the baby. But many couples begin to imagine it after they find out about pregnancy. Therefore, it is normal to grieve in this situation. It may take time to mourn not only the unborn child, but all the dreams that were associated with it.

A woman can feel guilty about what happened and think where she went wrong. But here it is important to understand that nothing depended on her.


Stephanie Zobel MD, obstetrician-gynecologist, in a comment for CoFertility

The woman is not to blame for the miscarriage. She is unable to provoke What is a Missed Miscarriage? or to prevent trouble. For example, changing your diet, limiting stress, taking prenatal vitamins, and exercising will not stop the development of chromosomal abnormalities.

Here are some What I’ve Learned from Counseling Couples Through Miscarriage tips from couples who have survived a frozen pregnancy and have dealt with it:

  • Set boundaries. Questions from family or friends about how soon you will try to have a baby again can hurt. Let others feel that you understand caring and anxiety, but such manifestations can be intrusive. Try to say this topic is too personal.
  • Refuse support if necessary. If you do not want to hear encouraging speeches, politely let others know. Explain that you are sad right now, but do not mind talking later.
  • Pamper yourself. Do not deny yourself if you feel like eating an ice cream cone or working out in the gym in the middle of the day and for no particular reason. It can be enjoyable and can help you feel safe.
  • Ask for support. Contact your partner or friends. Say you need care now.
  • Remember that pain will subside over time. In the meantime, you can find your own personal way to keep in touch with your child, albeit for a short time. So, try talking to him or writing a letter.
  • Perform a goodbye ritual. You can come up with it yourself. Someone asks loved ones to get together, others make a boat and let it go, for example, along a stream.
