Table of contents:

What is scoliosis and how to fix it
What is scoliosis and how to fix it

Girls suffer more than boys.

What is scoliosis and how to fix it
What is scoliosis and how to fix it

What is scoliosis

Scoliosis Scoliosis (from the Greek root meaning "crooked") is a curvature of the spine.


The normal vertebral column, when viewed from the back, is vertical and perfectly straight. With scoliosis, it bends in one direction or another.

Most often, the curvature of the spine first appears at the age of 10-15 years Scoliosis - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, during the period of active growth and puberty. But adults and young children can also be affected.

Depending on how strong the bend is, domestic orthopedics distinguishes different degrees of the disease. If the deviation of the spinal column from the vertical is:

  • less than 10 degrees is grade I scoliosis;
  • 11-30 degrees - grade II scoliosis;
  • 31-60 degrees - grade III scoliosis;
  • from 61 degrees and more - scoliosis of the IV degree.

However, the division into degrees is largely arbitrary. For example, when choosing a method of treatment, American orthopedists use Treatment For Scoliosis on a different conventional scale, where curvatures up to 20 degrees are considered light, from 20 to 40 - medium, over 40 - severe.

Why scoliosis is dangerous

For most, it proceeds in a mild form, and at a certain stage, the curvature either stops, or the spine completely restores the vertical by itself. But in some, the spinal column continues to deform. And this process can cause a number of complications, including very serious ones. Here they are Scoliosis:

  • Back pain. People who had scoliosis in childhood or who have retained a curvature of the spine complain of back pain more often than the average healthy person.
  • Lowered self-esteem and other emotional problems. A noticeable curvature of the back hits adolescents more than others, as they react more sharply to any imperfections in their own appearance.
  • Nerve compression. When the spine is curved, the surrounding nerve fibers are sometimes compressed. And this can lead to a number of problems: from weakness in the legs to loss of bladder control or erectile dysfunction (this only applies to men, of course).
  • Lung and heart problems. In severe cases, the curved spine presses the internal organs to the chest. This causes them to squeeze. As a result, there are problems with breathing and heart activity, and also increases the risk of lung infections - the same pneumonia becomes permanent.

Girls are under a special blow: their scoliosis is 8 times more likely to Scoliosis - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment progresses to a state of moderate and high severity.

How to recognize scoliosis

Disorders with the spine can be easily noticed by the external signs of Scoliosis - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment:

  • the shoulders are at different heights;
  • the head is not centered directly over the pelvis, as if shifted slightly to the side;
  • one scapula protrudes more than the other;
  • the ribs protrude more strongly on one side, the waist line is not horizontal;
  • sometimes the appearance or texture of the skin above the spine changes: dimples, colored spots, excessive hairiness appear on it.

Here is a classic example of a curved spine.


When to see a doctor

If you notice the slightest symptoms of scoliosis in yourself or your child, immediately contact an orthopedist.


Yuri Koryukalov neurophysiologist, rehabilitologist, candidate of biological sciences, author of devices for correction and complex therapy of the spine Cordus and Sacrus

Some parents do not pay attention to mild scoliosis, but during adolescent active growth, it can quickly go from the first degree to the second or third. Then the curvature of the spine will become not only obvious, but also affect the work of internal organs and blood circulation.

In children, mild scoliosis can go away on its own over time, but it is better not to risk it and consult a doctor.

How to diagnose and treat scoliosis

To understand that a patient has a curvature of the spine, a competent orthopedist needs to conduct a physical examination. And you can find out how much the state is running with the help of an X-ray.

If the curvature is small, up to 20 degrees, no treatment may be needed. Treatment For Scoliosis. It is enough for adolescents to go to the doctor for Everything you need to know about scoliosis every 4-6 months in order to immediately take action if the scoliosis progresses. Adults are not observed at all, since after the completion of the active growth phase, the curvature, as a rule, does not worsen.

With a slight bend, the development of scoliosis can be stopped with the help of massage and physiotherapy exercises. These procedures are prescribed by a doctor. In more severe cases, corsets and spinal traction are used to eliminate spasm of the paravertebral muscles.

Yuri Koryukalov neurophysiologist and rehabilitologist

If the curvature is between 20 and 40 degrees, the teenager may need a corset. This device does not cure, its task is to prevent the spine from bending even more. Again, the corset is prescribed only by a doctor. The child may have to wear it for 16 to 23 hours a day for several years until the active growth phase ends. It is believed by Scoliosis: Diagnosis and Treatment that in girls this stage occurs two years after the first menstruation, and in boys - during the period when the mustache and hair on the chin begin to actively grow.

More severe scoliosis is treated surgically by splicing the vertebrae or placing a rod along the spine to prevent it from bending.

With regard to exercise and massage, their effectiveness in the direct treatment of scoliosis has not been proven. Instead, they strengthen the back muscles that support the spine, and thus prevent the disease from progressing.

Where does scoliosis come from and how does it happen?

More often than not, doctors honestly admit that they don't know. In 80% of cases, What Is Scoliosis and What Causes It? scoliosis is called idiopathic - that is, the cause of which cannot be established. Doctors cautiously suggest to Scoliosis that the curvature of the spine may be a genetic feature, since the disease often spreads in families. But this has not been proven.

However, in some cases, the cause of scoliosis is still crystal clear. And this is by no means the habit of sitting hunched over.

Here are the types of scoliosis, the origin of which doctors figured out.

  • Non-structural. In this case, the spine is absolutely healthy: it just looks curved. The reason for this is either muscle spasms, or some internal inflammation (for example, appendicitis), or an asymmetry of the body (for example, when one leg of a person is longer than the other). This type of scoliosis goes away by itself if the conditions that caused it are eliminated.
  • Structural. This type of scoliosis is incorrigible. It is provoked by serious diseases: cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, tumors and genetically determined conditions such as Down's syndrome or Marfan's syndrome.
  • Congenital. It develops even before the birth of a child due to improper formation of the vertebrae.
  • Degenerative. With age, the joints and discs of the spine wear out due to constant stress, especially in the lower back. Therefore, over time, a curvature may form in this area of the spine. It is logical that this type of scoliosis occurs only in adults.

How to prevent scoliosis

Scoliosis cannot be prevented. But, if it is of an idiopathic nature, Pediatric and Adolescent Scoliosis: Living With a curvature of the spine can be suspended at the earliest stages. Moreover, by fairly simple methods.

To reduce the risk of developing scoliosis, try from 4-5 years old to send children to sports clubs or provide them with classes with a coach at least for an hour three times a week.

Yuri Koryukalov neurophysiologist and rehabilitologist

It is also important to monitor the posture so that the spine gets used to being in an anatomically correct - strictly upright - position.
