Table of contents:

Where do spider veins come from and what to do with them
Where do spider veins come from and what to do with them

Let's say right away: it's safe.

Where do spider veins come from and what to do with them
Where do spider veins come from and what to do with them

What are spider veins and how do they appear

Spider veins are a mild Spider veins form of varicose veins. By themselves, they are harmless (let's leave the aesthetic issue aside for now). However, they may say that something is wrong with the body and it needs your attention.

The appearance of the vascular network is associated with circulatory disorders of Varicose veins. Normally, venous blood should flow in one direction - from the bottom up to the heart. To prevent the backflow of blood, the venous vessels, down to the smallest ones, have so-called valves. They let the blood flow upward and reliably stop its downward movement.

But sometimes the valves start to malfunction and the blood gets the opportunity to move in a different direction.

What are spider veins
What are spider veins

Because of this, the volume of blood in a certain area increases. The walls of the affected vessel experience increased pressure, which they cannot always withstand. A vessel - a capillary or a vein, if we are talking about full-fledged varicose veins - expands. Sometimes it even bursts, allowing some blood to flow into the surrounding tissue.

If such a capillary is located close to the skin, the expansion becomes noticeable. This is how the spider veins appear. They are also telangiectasias (from Lat. Tel angio ectasia - "extended tip of the vessel").

Where do spider veins appear?

Most often, the vascular network occurs on the legs, because it is here, thanks to the force of gravity, that the blood is especially willing to turn back, and the vessels are under increased stress. But stars can appear on other parts of the body as well. For example, a face.


Although telangiectasias are safe on their own, doctors consider them to be possible harbingers of varicose veins.

Therefore, even if the vascular network does not cause you trouble and does not bother you in aesthetic terms, it is worth consulting with a therapist or phlebologist. Doctors will help you figure out what exactly caused the asterisks to appear. And they will tell you how to get rid of them, if you have such a thought.

Where do spider veins come from?

The exact reasons why the vessel walls stretch and the valves weaken are not yet fully understood by Varicose veins. In some people, spider veins and varicose veins can develop, at first glance, just like that - without any obvious reason.

But there are factors that increase the risk of getting vascular network.

1. Gender

Women suffer from vasodilatation more often than men. It is speculated that this may be due to female hormones: estrogens relax the walls of the veins and make them more vulnerable.

2. Hormonal fluctuations

Those associated with an increase or decrease in estrogen levels. This could be menopause or, for example, taking hormonal contraceptives.

3. Heredity

If any of your close relatives have dilated vessels, you also run the risk of this.

4. Age

Over the years, the capillaries and veins lose their elasticity, and the valves in them begin to work worse.

5. Excess weight

The need to carry extra pounds on oneself creates an additional burden on the body - in particular, the circulatory system. The heart is forced to pump blood more actively, the walls of the vessels experience greater pressure. And they often fail.

6. Standing and sedentary work

The need to spend a long time in the same position disrupts blood circulation. The veins have to work harder to expel blood to the heart.

7. Pregnancy

During this period, the volume of blood in the woman's body increases, which means that the vessels experience additional stress. In addition, the hormonal background changes: there are more estrogens, which relax the vascular walls.

The result is a high risk of spider veins. However, there is good news: veins and capillaries often return to normal after pregnancy ends.

8. Excessive stress

In some women, telangiectasias on the face appear during childbirth, due to the tension during labor. Frequent tearing coughing, sneezing, or vomiting can also affect the capillaries.

9. Sunburn

Ultraviolet light damages not only the skin, but also the smallest subcutaneous vessels. In some cases, this also becomes the cause of the appearance of the vascular network.

10. Diseases and dangerous conditions

In rare cases, the vascular network and varicose veins can be associated with serious illness. For example:

  • a blood clot attached to the vessel wall;
  • a tumor in the small pelvis;
  • abnormal development of blood vessels.

How to treat spider veins

You can't do without a visit to a phlebologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, establish the number and size of the stars. You may be offered a blood test and additional examination by an endocrinologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists.

According to the results of the research, the phlebologist will name the probable cause of the appearance of the vascular network. And he will tell you how to get rid of telangiectasia, or at least prevent it from growing in size. If any diseases have become the cause of vasodilation, then first you will have to cure them.

Physically, it is quite easy to cleanse the skin of spider veins. Today there are several non-surgical methods Spider veins: How are they removed? removal of dilated vessels.

  • Sclerotherapy. During this procedure, the doctor injects a solution into the dilated capillaries, which sticks them together. The blood begins to move through other vessels, and the mesh gradually disappears.
  • Laser coagulation. The laser beam heats up the hemoglobin in the problem vessel and makes the blood clot. The vessel sticks together and becomes invisible.

However, there are no guarantees that after these procedures you will get rid of the vascular network forever. To finally defeat the defect, you must eliminate or reduce the influence of those factors that led to the formation of telangiectasia.

What to do to prevent spider veins from reappearing

Making small lifestyle changes is often enough to prevent vasculature. Here are the Spider veins they are.

1. Move more

If your work forces you to stand or sit a lot, give yourself a little exercise at least once every 30 minutes. Walk along the corridor, go up or down a couple of floors on the stairs, at least just walk in place.

2. Get rid of excess weight

This will definitely make life easier for your vessels.

3. Avoid tight clothing or uncomfortable shoes

Such outfits disrupt blood circulation, which also affects the health of the veins.

4. Wear compression stockings

This applies to those cases when the vascular mesh appears on the legs. Stockings help the veins to drive blood up and keep the blood vessels in good shape.

Just do not engage in self-prescriptions: the doctor should choose the height and density of the stockings.

5. Wear sunscreen

This habit will reduce the risk of spider veins on your face.

6. Limit alcohol consumption

Alcoholic drinks at the first stage dilate blood vessels, relaxing their walls. The habit of regularly pouring alcohol can lead to circulatory disorders and the appearance of a vascular network on the face.
