Table of contents:

How to develop creativity with the RBI method
How to develop creativity with the RBI method

With this tool, you will learn how to find the perfect solution to any problem, both in creativity and in everyday life.

How to develop creativity with the RBI method
How to develop creativity with the RBI method

What is an RBI?

We've already covered five tools that help you cope with complex problems, solve problems creatively and find cool ideas: associations, empathy maps, scamper, freewriting, and PMI.

Today we will talk about a systematic and almost ideal way to solve problems using the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ). One of the basic concepts of TRIZ has become IQR (ideal end result) - a situation when the desired result is obtained by itself, without additional costs.

IFR is a way of solving problems with minimal, practically zero resource costs. It helps to overcome the thought patterns and formulate the best solutions.

There are three main phrases for an IFR:

  • The system itself performs this function.
  • There is no system, but its functions are performed (using resources).
  • The function is not needed.


In 1946, Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller began work on the creation of a theory for solving inventive problems, the purpose of which was to study and describe the mechanisms of development of technical systems and create practical methods for solving inventive problems.

The main difference between TRIZ and all other methodologies and techniques (synectics, brainstorming, the method of focal objects, morphological analysis) is that it is not based on an enumeration of options, which greatly complicates a quick and guaranteed result.

How does the IFR method work?

To obtain an RBI, you need to consider all the elements and processes of the task, identify the main process that needs to be improved. Ideally, it will have to be executed "by itself".

To formulate the IFR, we must assume that the system or part of it performs the required action "independently", without costs, without external resources. Or imagine that there is no system, but all its functions are performed. Everyone likes the ideal system, it is implemented by itself, does not require additional resources and does not spoil anything.

What is it for me?

RBI helps you think more productively. Once you've learned how to formulate an IFR, your life is already better, as you began to think in the direction of the ideal result and evaluate the resources of the system in which your task is located.

IQR is the most popular TRIZ tool for use in everyday life and business.

Do you want to be happy? Write down 10 RBI statements for this task. Want to get more money? Write down 10 RBI statements for this task. Do you want no one to bother you? Write down 10 RBI statements for this task. Sounds simple and works great.

What are the alternatives to this method?

  • Group work. You can work with IFRs yourself, or you can connect your colleagues to the solution. It is very easy to develop and brainstorm the RBI rules in a company and get a lot of strong decisions.
  • "Not an IFR" or "anti-IFR". This is a "flip" when you formulate a solution to a problem with "not yourself". That is, you have to convince yourself that some element itself will not be able to perform the function.

How to use RBIs to solve a creative problem?

  1. Write down the task.
  2. Tune in to find a solution.
  3. Don't be afraid to look or sound stupid. It is better to look stupid but solve a problem than look smart but not solve.
  4. Take the problem apart, write them down.
  5. Analyze what resources you have, write down the elements of the system.
  6. Formulate the RBI (for each part of the problem, write down the three RBIs that are given at the beginning of the post).
  7. Choose those formulations in which you manage with the elements of the system and do not complicate anything.

How can this be consolidated in practice?

Formulate up to 10 RBI options for your next household task.

There is no garbage chute in your house. Your floormate takes out the garbage bag from the apartment every night and puts it in the common hallway. In the morning he throws it into the trash. During the night, an unpleasant odor accumulates in the hallway.

Determine first all elements of the system, then find the IFR using three formulations. Write your answers in the comments.

Are there any helpful resources on the topic?

Of course.

  • Website of TRIZ founder Heinrich Altshuller.
  • Online course on TRIZ "Sharpener for the mind".
  • The book "Trouble shooting" by Sergey Fayer.
  • The book "Technology of Creative Thinking" by Mark Meerovich and Larisa Shragina.
