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All About Your Periods: 25 Answers to Stupid and Embarrassing Questions
All About Your Periods: 25 Answers to Stupid and Embarrassing Questions

Surely you thought about it, but hesitated to ask.

All About Your Periods: 25 Answers to Stupid and Embarrassing Questions
All About Your Periods: 25 Answers to Stupid and Embarrassing Questions

1. Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?

Yes. Most often, the fertility window (this is the name of the period when conception is most likely) falls on the 10-14th day of the cycle. But sometimes - even with a regular cycle - it can shift unpredictably. The timing of the “fertile window” in the menstrual cycle: day specific estimates from a prospective study. This means that there is a risk of getting pregnant even during menstruation.

2. Is it normal if your stomach hurts?

No. Menstruation can be uncomfortable, but most of the time, this discomfort does not affect your quality of life. Moreover, the pain can be reduced.

But if the cramps and profuse bleeding become really exhausting, this is an alarming signal. Could it be the menorrhagia Why Is My Period So Heavy? - so called menstrual irregularities, which are accompanied by excessive discharge.

If you notice that there is more blood than usual, and the cramps have become more painful, be sure to consult with your gynecologist to rule out hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, circulatory disorders and other possible diseases.

3. Can I go in for sports during my period?

It is possible and even necessary. The role of exercise in the treatment of menstrual disorders: the evidence suggests that exercise - especially aerobic (walking, running, swimming, zumba, Pilates, yoga) and stretching - can reduce pain caused by uterine spasms.

However, we note that it is important to listen to the needs of the body. If you feel weakness and pain, which discourage any desire to work hard, it is better to refuse training, reschedule hard work, and instead go to a consultation with a gynecologist.

4. Is it possible to swim during menstruation in open reservoirs and pools? What if something gets "there"?

If you use tampons, the risks are minimal. Swim to your health.

This recommendation applies even to those cases when sharks are found in the water of your choice. Lifehacker already wrote: there is not a single confirmed case when a predator would attack a swimmer during her period.

In general, sharks for some reason prefer to hunt men.

5. Is it true that menstruation stops in water?

No. And when you swim, and when you relax in the bath, the uterus continues to contract, and menstruation continues.

The only nuance is that the water blocks the blood outlet. Because of this, it seems as if less blood is secreted during water procedures. But as soon as you go ashore (conditionally), all the blood accumulated during the voyage will rush to the exit and menstruation will continue as usual.

6. How long can one tampon be worn?

Doctors recommend Toxic Shock Syndrome to change the tampon every 4-8 hours.

But there is an extremely rare but very dangerous complication associated with prolonged use of hygiene products. This is a toxic shock. It is caused by bacteria that normally live on the skin. Sometimes they penetrate into the fibers of the tampon and begin to multiply rapidly there, simultaneously releasing a huge amount of toxins. The consequence of this is severe intoxication, sometimes even fatal.

If you do not remember exactly when you changed the tampon, but you start to feel like in the first days of the flu (fever, chills, weakness, headache, nausea), call an ambulance immediately.

7. Can the tampon get lost inside? For example, fall into the womb?

Excluded. The vagina is not as deep as it might seem: its length, even in an excited state, does not exceed 17-18 cm. When something gets into it, it somehow rests against an extremely narrow area - the cervix.

Periods: everything you need to know about them
Periods: everything you need to know about them

The cervix is a protective barrier that does not allow anything superfluous: neither foreign bacteria nor any mechanical particles. Including, of course, a tampon. He just has nowhere to fall through.

8. How much blood should be released during menstruation?

On average, Periods is 30–70 ml (2–5 tablespoons) for the entire period of your period - no matter if it lasts three days or a week.

9. I am losing more blood! It is very dangerous?

It depends on what "more" means. If this word means a volume of just over 4 tablespoons, then in general this is normal. The point is that menstrual fluid is not just blood. It includes How Much Blood Do You Lose on Your Period? into itself also particles of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

The concept of "normal menstrual fluid volume" varies quite widely. In addition, each period is different: sometimes there is less discharge, sometimes more. Therefore, if you are not experiencing painful cramps, nausea, severe weakness, or other unusual symptoms, you are likely to be fine.

Really dangerous blood loss is rare. But be prepared to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible if:

  • Blood soaks one or more pads (tampons) per hour for several hours.
  • To prevent leakage, you have to use double protection: both the tampon and the pad at the same time.
  • Bleeding lasts more than 7 days.
  • Your periods are so painful that you have to change plans because of them.
  • Menstruation is accompanied by severe weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and other signs of bleeding.

10. Is it normal to have clots?

Yes. Clots are particles of the lining of the uterus rejected during menstruation. If their diameter is no more than 2–2.5 cm, you don't have to worry.

If there are more clots, be sure to contact your gynecologist. Such discharge often occurs with cysts, polyps, uterine myoma. It is necessary to establish their cause and undergo treatment based on the results.

11. If the test showed pregnancy, and then blood began to flow - is it a miscarriage?

Is not a fact. There are several possible options here. Five reasons for false-positive pregnancy tests.

  • Two stripes were a mistake. This happens if, for example, you have violated the instructions and allowed the test to remain in the urine longer than recommended. Or the test was expired.
  • You have elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (referred to as hCG or hCG). As a rule, the level of this hormone increases during pregnancy, and it is he who is fixed by standard tests, showing the second strip. However, in some cases, hCG may rise for reasons other than pregnancy. For example, due to taking fertility drugs. Or because of health problems: often hCG grows with cysts and tumors of the ovaries, some kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, and so on.
  • You did have an early miscarriage. Most often this happens when there are chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg and the uterus rejects the fertilized egg shortly after implantation. According to the Miscarriage statistics of the American Association of Pregnant Women, 50-75% of all miscarriages are attributed to this early species.

Be that as it may, if the test showed two strips, and menstruation soon began, you need to see a gynecologist. Only a doctor can establish why this happened and exclude possible dangerous violations.

12. If your period has not come, is it pregnancy?

Most of the time, if you are healthy and sexually active, yes. Menstruation that does not come on time is an unambiguous reason to buy a test and contact a gynecologist.

However, sometimes missing your period has nothing to do with pregnancy. The reasons for the delay can be a variety of factors, from hormonal disruptions to jet lag, nutritional deficiencies, or stress. And yet it is worth consulting with a gynecologist.

13. And if your period has come, is it definitely not pregnancy?

Almost certainly. If you start to discharge the usual volume, then you are not pregnant. Am I Pregnant? FAQs On Early Pregnancy.

It is important to note that about 25-30% of women in early pregnancy experience spotting. Their reasons can be very different: from a completely normal bleeding of implantation to a developing infection.

However, it is almost impossible to confuse them with real menstruation: they are too scarce and short-lived.

14. What should your period smell like?

Normally, nothing. More precisely, you shouldn't feel any special scent until you start sniffing it on purpose. And when you start, you will only feel the metallic smell of blood with the slightest admixture of vaginal amber.

Strong, pungent, palpable odor Why Does My Period Smell? often speaks of infection. Therefore, do not try to simply disguise it - be sure to consult your gynecologist!

And you definitely need to go to the doctor if, in addition to the unusually strong smell, you note:

  • Highlights in yellow or green.
  • Menses more painful than usual.
  • Pain and discomfort in the stomach and / or pelvis.
  • Temperature increase.

Such symptoms clearly indicate that inflammation develops somewhere inside.

15. Is it normal to have coughing and shortness of breath during menstruation?

Rather, it is one of the variants of the norm. Menstruation is accompanied by a decrease in the level of the female hormone estrogen, and the deficiency affects Lung function changes in relation to the menstrual cycle in females with cystic fibrosis at the work of the lungs. As a result, a cough and slight shortness of breath may appear, which disappear along with menstruation.

16. The onset of menstruation can be determined by the voice?

A 2011 study found Do Women’s Voices Provide Cues of the Likelihood of Ovulation? The Importance of Sampling Regime, that significant changes in the characteristics of the voice are observed in women during menstruation. In general terms: before ovulation, the female "vocal" becomes higher and more melodic, the speed of speech increases, and towards menstruation, the timbre and tempo decrease. Some young ladies have so much that it becomes obvious even to the uninitiated ears.

17. Is it true that women with PMS become nervous and unpredictable?

Rather, more impulsive. For example, it was established by Women’s spending behavior is menstrual-cycle sensitive that just before menstruation, women spend more money and make rash purchases. This is due to the fact that young ladies experience physical discomfort and are looking for ways to feel better. Reckless impulsive shopping is one of them.

18. Do you get stupid during your period?

Hormonal fluctuations can indeed impair memory and concentration in at least some No, Period Brain Is Not Actually a Thing women. Physical discomfort also plays a role: experiencing unpleasant sensations in the uterus, women are distracted, get tired faster, and become less focused. But talking about a decrease in mental abilities in this case is the same as assuming that people become stupid when they have a cold.

19. Can I dye my hair during menstruation?

There is an idea that hormonal fluctuations during menstruation somehow change the properties of the hair, because of which the paint lays down poorly. But professional hairdressers do not confirm this The Truth About 6 Hair-Color Myths. The result of staining does not depend on the day of the cycle, so bring beauty when you want.

20. And what about eyelash extensions?

Can. Menstruation does not change the properties of the hair, so the procedure for gluing the "extenders" to the cilia will be exactly the same as on any other day of the cycle.

21. They say you don't have to go to the dentist or get depilation during your period, because it will hurt more. This is true?

Yes, but only partially. Indeed, the pain threshold changes Pain perception across the menstrual cycle phases in women with chronic pain. depending on the phase of the cycle. It decreases a week before menstruation. This means that dental treatment or, for example, sugaring, will seem more unpleasant to you than usual.

But after the end of menstruation and until ovulation, the pain threshold, on the contrary, grows. So it is worth prescribing any painful procedures for these periods.

22. Is it possible to take tests during menstruation?

Much depends on what kind of analysis we are talking about.

For example, hemoglobin levels naturally decrease with blood loss, so it would be a mistake to measure it during menstruation. In contrast, cholesterol levels are higher in Menstrual Cycle Affects Cholesterol Levels during periods than before and after. If you are taking pain medications, they can also affect your test results.

Therefore, if possible, postpone blood and urine tests until your period is over. If the analysis is urgent, be sure to consult with your doctor so that he deciphers the results, making an adjustment for the phase of your cycle.

23. Is it possible to put vaginal suppositories during menstruation?

You can bet. But it must be borne in mind that bleeding can wash off the drug even before it takes effect. This means that the effectiveness of treatment will also decrease. This situation, as a rule, is spelled out in the instructions for specific suppositories.

In most cases, candles are prescribed in a course that should not be interrupted. Therefore, there are two options for solving the problem:

  • Start the course in such a way as to complete it before the onset of menstruation. For example, if your candles are designed for 10 days of use, you must start the course no later than 11-13 days before the planned start of your period.
  • Use wash-resistant candles. Such suppositories are quite rare and cost more than their wash-off counterparts. Ask your gynecologist about which ones to prefer.

24. Is it possible to cause menstruation by the required date?

In general, yes. The most effective way is to start taking birth control pills in the cycle before the desired date. In this case, menstruation will begin a day or two after you stop taking the pills.

Other ways to induce periods include a variety of physical methods. For example, you can take a hot bath or have sex. However, the effectiveness of such methods is much lower. And in any case, they categorically cannot be used if you suspect you are pregnant.

25. What to drink or eat to delay your period?

Neither food nor drink affects the onset of menstruation. If you want to postpone your period, only hormonal drugs, in particular birth control pills, will help. Your period will not start until you stop taking it.
