Table of contents:

10 essential apps for students
10 essential apps for students

Applications for Android, iOS and Windows that will make the education process more modern and convenient and will be useful for schoolchildren of all ages.

10 essential apps for students
10 essential apps for students

For lower grades

Kids are still learning to read and count. They need applications that explain math and letters in a playful way, and at the same time help develop logical thinking.

1. The Fixies: Save the Cartoon

The Fixies: Save the Cartoon!
The Fixies: Save the Cartoon!

Learn letters and collect words together with cartoon characters. Elementary puzzles help to figure out the letters, even if the child does not know the whole alphabet. Excitement adds a countdown: the faster the child forms a word, the better.

2. Math and numbers for toddlers

Math and numbers for toddlers
Math and numbers for toddlers

Here the name speaks for itself. Children learn to recognize and write numbers, solve simple examples, and cope with oral arithmetic.

For high school

In high school, students have to learn everything at once. Age discounts don't work, it's still a long way to specialization. Therefore, children need reference books and encyclopedias. They will give you the answer faster than textbooks and multivolume dictionaries.

3. Brainly

brainly: biology
brainly: biology
brainly: home screen
brainly: home screen

An app with free advice to help you do your homework. The student asks a question and receives an answer from users. Brainly helps you cope with particularly challenging tasks, overcome fatigue, and get a good grade. The application only gives advice, the task still has to be completed, that is, the knowledge remains in the head.

4. Textbook "Foxford"

Foxford Textbook: Biology
Foxford Textbook: Biology
Foxford textbook: courses
Foxford textbook: courses

A universal textbook application for almost all disciplines. The textbooks are sorted into classes, the topic is easy to find. There is nothing superfluous on the pages, just help. This is a cheat sheet about the most important things that should always be at hand and in your head. The app is associated with online training courses that help you understand the topic.

5. Duolingo

Duolingo: German
Duolingo: German
Duolingo Lesson Completed
Duolingo Lesson Completed

Assistant in the study of foreign languages. With Duolingo, the student will master the program and learn to use foreign languages in conversation and life. Fun, intuitive and meaningful learning.

For high school students

It's time for graduates to prepare for serious assignments and choose where to go to study. There are exams and adulthood ahead, so we are moving on to difficult but useful applications.

6. WolframAlpha

WolframAlpha: math
WolframAlpha: math
WolframAlpha: coordinates
WolframAlpha: coordinates

Wolfram is a legend. A repository of knowledge and a tool for solving complex problems. The application is paid, but a couple of hundred for a legend is a ridiculous amount. Useful in high school, especially in schools with advanced study of mathematics or physics. With this application, a child techie will go to university and to work. So let him get used to good things from school.

7. Glaze tongue

Glaze of the tongue: the antithesis
Glaze of the tongue: the antithesis
Glaze of the tongue: an oxymoron
Glaze of the tongue: an oxymoron

An application that breaks patterns. It turns out that the Russian language is fun and exciting. "Glazary of the Language" is a unique collection that differs from textbooks, dictionaries and cheat sheets. They talk about the language in a simple, interesting way, so it's impossible to tear yourself away. All rules, historical references, definitions and designations are designed in such a way that they are easy to read. Even a schoolboy can handle it.

For all

Some applications are needed regardless of the class. Perhaps they will be with the child for many years in a row.

8. Timetable

Timetable: geometry
Timetable: geometry
Timetable: overview of the week
Timetable: overview of the week

Schools are switching to electronic diaries, children are less likely to carry thick notebooks with a schedule. And in a smartphone, both the list of activities and homework are always at hand. This version of the schedule is not boring and visual: each lesson is given its own color, so one glance is enough to navigate the lessons.

9. Family locator

Family locator: invite family
Family locator: invite family
Family locator: location
Family locator: location

An application that tracks the location of family members using GPS. With him, parents are calm and do not bother schoolchildren with constant calls and questions "Where are you?"

10. Sea battle

Sea battle
Sea battle

All schoolchildren should play naval combat, no matter whether on a notebook sheet or on a display. What is a school without sea battles?
