Table of contents:

7 signs you're a control freak and how to deal with it
7 signs you're a control freak and how to deal with it

Very often we spend our strength, nerves and energy on things that we cannot control. Someone constantly worries about the opinions of others, someone tirelessly tries to change their loved ones. All this leads to depression, anxiety and stress.

7 signs you're a control freak and how to deal with it
7 signs you're a control freak and how to deal with it

How to know if you are a control freak

1. You do not know how to work in a team

This requires giving up full control over the situation. After all, you cannot settle absolutely everything if you are only responsible for 10% of the result. The control freak prefers to be a lone wolf. If you make him work as a team, he will try to impose his opinion on everyone.

2. You are confident that your success depends entirely on you

The control freak thinks that with some effort he can accomplish anything. He doesn't believe in luck, underestimates planning and timing. He does not suffer defeat and criticizes himself harshly if everything did not go as planned.

3. You are trying to change others

Many people think that they know better than others how to live. They try to dictate their own rules of conduct to other people. Sometimes they resort to manipulation or aggression for this.

4. It is difficult for you to maintain a serious relationship

You have hardly ever heard: "I love it so much that she controls everything around!" Such people, on the contrary, repel others with eternal demands and unsolicited advice. Therefore, it is difficult for them to maintain both personal and professional ties.

5. You try to prevent troubles and failures

Instead of preparing for the storm, you are trying to stop it. Even if it's not possible. But one cannot be saved from all misfortunes. This behavior simply suggests that the person doubts their ability to cope with a difficult situation.

6. You do not delegate responsibilities

Surely many have heard the quote: "If you want to be done well, do it yourself." Those who are control freaks are guided by this rule. They are confident that delegating responsibilities will not make it easier, but will make it even more difficult for them. After all, then you have to correct other people's mistakes. And if they do decide to do this, then they control every step of the other person.

7. You don't feel sorry for someone who made a mistake

The control freak believes that success is achieved through hard work. Therefore, he has no compassion for those who somehow keep afloat. He considers mistakes to be a sign of laziness or a little intelligence.

How to destroy the control maniac in yourself

If you know yourself, then it's time for you to change. After all, this demeanor entails unpleasant consequences: from constant irritation to uncontrollable anger. The result is a ruined psyche, as well as the loss of precious time and energy.

To find peace of mind, learn to control your emotions. Build confidence in yourself and your ability to cope. Accept that sometimes things don't go according to plan.

By working on yourself, you can take control of yourself - your emotions, feelings and thoughts. And this will give you the inner peace that you tried to find by controlling everything around.
