Table of contents:

Why is the skin on the face peeling and what to do about it
Why is the skin on the face peeling and what to do about it

Know when to throw away the cream and when to see your doctor.

Why is the skin on the face peeling and what to do about it
Why is the skin on the face peeling and what to do about it

It's simple: peeling is a sign of dryness Why Do I Have Scaly Skin? … The upper cells of the epidermis lack moisture, they die off and fall off to give way to more hydrated and healthy cells. If beginners also begin to intensively lose moisture, the process is repeated. Peels on the face become noticeable.

But what caused such a chronic lack of moisture is another question. 5 Reasons the Skin on Your Face Might Be Peeling.

Why is the skin on the face flaky most often?

1. Sun

Ultraviolet rays destroy elastin and collagen and, in fact, kill skin cells. Dead cells, no longer able to retain moisture and nutrients, slough off.

What to do

Wear sunscreen on your skin even in winter. They block the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

2. Unsuitable cosmetics

In cosmetology, a popular procedure for improving the tone and relief of the skin of the face is chemical peeling. A specialist applies an active substance to the epidermis based on one or another acid (lactic, glycolic, tartaric), which causes a slight burn and kills the cells of the epidermis. Damaged skin literally peels off in layers. After the peeling is completed (depending on the acid concentration, this can take from 3 to 14 days), the face becomes smoother and gets an even complexion.

Professional products are not sold in regular stores. But creams or serums with a small percentage of acid can easily be found even in supermarkets. Perhaps they are the reason for your peeling.

Also, the epidermis is badly affected by alcohol-based cosmetics and harsh detergents designed for oily skin. They remove sebum from the surface of the face. Dry skin.

On the one hand, this is good. After all, when fat clogs pores, blackheads and acne appear. On the other hand, it is bad, because oil helps the skin to retain moisture. There is no it - there is increased dryness and rapidly dying cells.

What to do

Browse through the creams, serums, lotions, and other cosmetics you use on a daily basis. Choose soft foods that are free of acids and alcohol. Well, or at least don't forget about additional skin hydration and UV protection.

3. Cold

Subzero temperatures and the associated low air humidity literally draw moisture from the upper layers of the skin. Especially if the wind is icy outside.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that in rooms where central heating, heaters or fireplaces work, the air is also extremely dry. And the epidermis simply does not have the ability to absorb moisture after a street shock. Therefore, peeling of the skin on the face in winter is quite an expected thing.

What to do

Before going outside, use greasy and nourishing creams specially formulated to protect the epidermis from frost. If possible, hide your face in a scarf.

At home and in the office, do not forget to control the humidity of the air: its level should not fall below 40%. Use a moisturizer at night.

4. Hot water

Shower, bath, sauna, steam bath or just washing with hot water expands the pores. Therefore, after returning to normal conditions, the skin begins to lose a lot of moisture. Areas unprotected by clothing are especially affected.

What to do

After finishing your water treatment, do not forget to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to your skin.

5. Swimming in the pool

In public pools, water is often disinfected with chlorine today. Bathing in it seriously dries the skin.

What to do

After finishing your workout, be sure to take a fresh shower and use the cream.

6. Allergic reactions

For example, in the cold. A common symptom of such an allergy is dermatitis: flaky and itchy spots appear on open areas of the skin, in particular on the face.

It could also be a reaction to some component of your daily cream. Or even an allergy to Nail cosmetics allergy for nails: it is sometimes accompanied by peeling of the skin in the eye area.

What to do

Consult a dermatologist or allergist. They will give you tests to determine the irritant and help ease your reactions. In the future, be careful and avoid contact with the allergen.

7. Some skin diseases

People with certain skin conditions, such as atopic dermatitis (eczema) or psoriasis, are prone to dry skin. This means that peeling is more common in them than in others.

What to do

First of all, treat the underlying condition and follow the advice of your dermatologist.

When to see a doctor

In most cases, flaky skin is a superficial problem and responds well to changes in care and lifestyle. However, sometimes the reasons are deeper.

Be sure to consult a dermatologist or beautician if Dry skin:

  • peeling does not go away, despite your best efforts;
  • excessive dryness of the skin is accompanied by redness;
  • Scaly patches that itch a lot and you can't sleep
  • you scratch so actively that scratches or open wounds appear;
  • areas of flaky skin increase in size and begin to spread throughout the body.

Such Peeling skin symptoms indicate that you may have a staphylococcal or fungal infection, a malfunctioning immune system, or other serious diseases, including cancer.
