How to get the most out of your coffee
How to get the most out of your coffee

How does caffeine affect the brain? Is it harmful to drink coffee before exercise? Can he help you sleep? Look for answers to these and many other questions in our material.

How to get the most out of your coffee
How to get the most out of your coffee

1. What does caffeine do to our brain?

If you drink coffee in moderation, then it will give you a boost of vivacity. And if you overdo it a little, you can get the opposite effect: lethargy, fatigue, and even anxiety.

It's all about adenosine, which, accumulating in the body, makes us feel sleepy. Caffeine has a structure similar to adenosine, which is why it can partially block its action, allowing us to wake up after a cup of coffee.

The lethal dose of caffeine is 150 mg / kg. This means that with a weight of 70 kilograms, you need to drink about 70 cups of coffee at a time for everything to end in failure. Fortunately, you cannot physically do this.

Learn more about how coffee affects the brain in this video.

2. Can I drink coffee before exercise?

In moderation, coffee is useful not only in the morning, but just before exercise. Caffeine helps you feel energized and improves endurance.

Attention! If you have any kind of cardiovascular disease, then there can be no question of a cup of coffee before a workout.

A small cup of coffee or a few caffeine tablets before exercise can help speed up your metabolism and burn more calories. In addition, coffee allows you to exercise longer and more efficiently, and also relieves muscle soreness after exercise the day before.

3. Does coffee help you sleep?

Caffeine is extremely versatile. He is even able to help those who really want to sleep.

If you want to take a nap and wake up significantly refreshed, then try the so-called coffee dream. The recipe is simple: a cup of coffee and twenty minutes of rest. This time will be enough for caffeine to enter the brain. Drink coffee, lie down, relax. Twenty minutes - and you are already able to move a couple of small mountains.

4. Can larks drink coffee at night?

Many people avoid late coffee breaks for fear of being overexcited and staying awake all night. Indeed, caffeine has the ability to knock down circadian rhythms, thanks to which our body understands that it is necessary to go to sleep.

Benefits of coffee
Benefits of coffee

This problem is more familiar to early risers. A glass of coffee before bedtime can turn a cheerful lover of getting up at an incredible early into a real owl. However, it is impossible to predict how coffee will affect any particular person. As the saying goes: if you don't try, you won't know.

5. Where else can you find caffeine besides coffee?

It is a widespread misconception that coffee contains the largest percentage of caffeine. This is not entirely true. If you are interested in drinks that are created in order to fight fatigue and sleepiness, then take a closer look at tea, lemonades and energy drinks. Some teas contain so much caffeine that even the strongest coffee cannot match them.

6. Can the amount of caffeine be adjusted?

The caffeine in tea works slightly differently than in coffee. The main difference is that its dosage can be adjusted. The caffeine content of tea depends on the type, temperature and duration of brewing.

It is believed that the most caffeine is in black teas. If tea is poured not with boiling water, but with water heated to 70 degrees, the caffeine content in it decreases. But the longer the tea is brewed, the more caffeine it contains.

7. What types of coffee should I choose?

Many people think that the concentration of caffeine in coffee depends on the degree of roast of the beans. In fact, this is not the case. You need to pay attention to the type of coffee tree. Softer and more delicate Arabica contains less caffeine, and strong Robusta contains two to three times more of it.

8. When to drink coffee?

You are greatly mistaken if you think that the ideal time for a cup of coffee is the first 10 minutes after waking up. From 8:00 to 9:00 the most is produced cortisol - a hormone that affects our activity during the day. This means that our body is able to wake itself up without the help of coffee.

If you can't wake up, then from a scientific point of view, the period from 9:30 to 11:30 is considered the best time to take coffee. Why - you will find out from the video.

9. How to deal with coffee addiction?

Reduce the amount of coffee consumed or completely abandon it should be gradually. Switch to tea, or alternate between caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.

If you start to notice that you are not getting the same pleasure from coffee as before, give yourself a monthly detox. Try not drinking coffee to reboot your body and regain lost sensitivity.

10. How much coffee should you drink?

A small dose of caffeine will be enough to invigorate and clear your mind. To periodically improve performance, drink the drink in small cups every half hour. If this option is not very convenient, pour yourself a whole mug at once, but do not drink in one gulp, but stretch the pleasure.
