Table of contents:

How to find the arithmetic mean
How to find the arithmetic mean

This is useful not only for solving school problems, but also for various calculations in everyday life.

How to find the arithmetic mean
How to find the arithmetic mean

What is arithmetic mean

The arithmetic mean is the sum of all numbers in a row divided by the number of terms.

How to find the arithmetic mean

For example, in front of you is a row of numbers "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6". As follows from the definition, in order to find out the arithmetic mean, you need to add all the numbers given to you, and then divide the resulting result by the number of these numbers. In the given example - by six. This is how it is expressed by the formula:

How to find the arithmetic mean
How to find the arithmetic mean

Let's say you need to determine the arithmetic mean for the numbers 4, 5 and 6. Add 4 + 5 + 6 = 15. Now divide 15 by 3 and get 5. This will be the arithmetic mean.

How to find the arithmetic mean
How to find the arithmetic mean

It is calculated in the same way for decimals and fractions.

An example of calculating the arithmetic mean for ordinary fractions will look like this:

An example of calculating the arithmetic mean for ordinary fractions
An example of calculating the arithmetic mean for ordinary fractions

And this is an example of how to find the arithmetic mean for decimal fractions:

Calculating the arithmetic mean of decimal fractions
Calculating the arithmetic mean of decimal fractions

How it comes in handy in life

The arithmetic mean helps to describe many digital values with just one number. For example, using the above formula, you can calculate the average price of a product or the average salary of employees in one organization, the average attendance of the institution. This is useful for keeping statistics and in cases where information needs to be concisely presented.
