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What to do if your feet sweat a lot
What to do if your feet sweat a lot

These simple tips can help reduce sweating and get rid of odor.

What to do if your feet sweat a lot
What to do if your feet sweat a lot

Why do my feet sweat

The answer is simple: it happened. This is your feature, no one is to blame.

According to FOCUSED ON SWEATING? SO ARE WE! International Society of Hyperhidrosis (IHS), the problem of excessive sweating regularly plagues about 5% of the world's population, that is, about 380 million people. In all these people, the sweat glands do not work quite correctly. That is, they turn on for sometimes completely insignificant reasons such as excitement or a short walk, remain active longer, and even produce more sweat than normal.

Most often, hyperhidrosis of the feet, palms and armpits occurs - since it is in these areas that the largest number of sweat glands are concentrated. But with the palms and armpits, life is still simpler.

First, they are better ventilated. Secondly, it is easy to wash your hands and use an antiperspirant in your armpits.

Feet, however, are often "locked" in socks and shoes, and it is quite difficult to subject them to hygiene procedures during the working day. Therefore, excessive sweating on the feet sometimes leads to troubles: wet, sticky socks, the development of fungal infections and, of course, the appearance of a stupefying smell.

Why do feet smell

generally depends on two factors:

  1. Individual body odor.
  2. Bacteria living on the skin. In a humid environment, there are more of them. And the more microbes, the more their waste products and the worse the smell.

But a special breed of microorganisms lives on the feet - Bacillus subtilis (hay stick). Their waste products smell much stronger and sharper than other skin bacteria. In general, according to scientists Foot odor due to microbial metabolism and its control, it is Bacillus subtilis that makes you suffer.

What to do if your feet sweat

The popular medical resource HealthLine has compiled a whole program How to Handle: Sweaty Feet to overcome limb hyperhidrosis. There are many points in it, and it is important to consider each one.

1. Keep a log of observations

Such advice is given by HYPERHIDROSIS: TIPS FOR MANAGING by the American Academy of Dermatology. Record in a journal situations and circumstances in which your feet were sweating especially actively. This will help you identify triggers - certain foods, types of shoes, or situations - that you should avoid.

2. Wash your feet often

In case of hyperhidrosis, it is advisable to wash your feet at least twice a day. Thoroughly using cool water and soap with antibacterial essential oils (tea tree, eucalyptus and others). Dry your feet thoroughly after washing, paying special attention to the area between the toes. If moisture remains there, it will become an additional breeding ground for microbes.

3. Make baths

Regular foot baths are also good. Pour warm water into a basin, add 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda and lower your feet there for 20 minutes. Thanks to its powerful antibacterial properties Antibacterial activity of baking soda. baking soda will reduce the number of bad-smelling germs on your feet.

You can also add brewed black tea to the water: it contains tannins, which narrow the pores, and therefore reduce perspiration. Brew 2 tea bags, pour the tea leaves into the water and place your feet in the basin for 10 minutes.

4. Use antibacterial and antifungal powders

Talc and cornstarch are fine too - they absorb moisture. However, the effect lasts no more than half an hour.

It is better to use special powders sold at the pharmacy. They contain antibacterial and antifungal elements, and therefore not only keep feet dry, but also fight bacteria growth.

5. Use antiperspirants before bed

Antiperspirants (not to be confused with deodorants!) Reduce sweat. To maximize their effect, it is important to follow the rules of use.

In particular, apply the product to dry feet before bed. At night, the sweat glands are less active, which means the antiperspirant can penetrate deeper into them and reduce the amount of sweat over the next day.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends HYPERHIDROSIS: TIPS FOR MANAGING to use antiperspirants 3-4 nights in a row and then apply them once a week.

6. Choose breathable socks

When it comes to socks, these are cotton and wool. Nylon, polyester and other synthetics do not breathe or wick moisture away from the skin, so it is better to refuse them.

And in any case, if possible, change your socks at least a couple of times a day.

7. Pay attention to your shoes

It is good if it is also made of breathable materials - genuine leather, suede, canvas or sports sweat-wicking synthetics. Speaking of sports models, they are often supplied with antibacterial and odor-reducing insoles. In your case, such shoes are the very thing.

In addition, experts recommend not wearing the same pair for two days in a row - let the shoes dry well. And don't forget to look after your shoes, sneakers, or sandals. The life hacker wrote in detail how to get rid of the smell of shoes.
