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5 life hacks to help you clean your apartment less often
5 life hacks to help you clean your apartment less often

Remember to follow these simple rules every day, and you can do spring cleaning less often.

5 life hacks that will help you to clean your apartment less often
5 life hacks that will help you to clean your apartment less often

1. Never leave the room without putting things in their places

If you see that things are not standing where they should be, put them in place: send books from the table to the shelf, the blanket from the floor to the bed or to the wash. Also, don't forget to take out the trash.

2. Always put back items that you took out of the closet

Many people have a habit of dumping all things, trying them on and throwing them on the couch. Get rid of it: neatly put your clothes back on the shelves.

3. Always hang your outerwear and bag when you come home

Of course, after a hard day, most of all you want to throw things somewhere at the entrance and flop on the couch. But if you immediately hang them, then the next morning you will not have to frantically think before work where they can be.

4. Always clean your bathroom sink before bed

It is not necessary to wash it from all sides. Simply wipe down the inside with a soft sponge without cleaning agent after washing and brushing your teeth.

5. Never leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight

Washing the dishes after a hard day is exhausting, but tomorrow you have to do double the amount of work if you don't wash the dishes today. If you have a dishwasher, it’s easier: empty the leftover food into the trash can and load the plates into it.
