Table of contents:

10 types of bosses who will make your life hell
10 types of bosses who will make your life hell

Sometimes there is a way to survive, and sometimes only flight will save the unbearable leader.

10 types of bosses who will make your life hell
10 types of bosses who will make your life hell

1. Control freak

Bosses of this type take literally the saying "if you want to do well, do it yourself." And therefore, even if they entrust employees with something significant, they will loom behind their backs and watch what their subordinates are doing.

A separate cause for irritation is the obvious advice on hand and the requirement to perform tasks in a strictly defined way, even if this does not affect anything. When something goes wrong, such a boss will not be surprised - what to take from you - and will most likely redo everything himself.

It seems that it does not sound scary. But the problem is that this approach hinders development. When you are constantly treated like an unreasonable child and are only expected to make a mistake, sooner or later it gets boring to fight. You begin to do what they say, and exactly in the specified amount. And this is unlikely to teach you anything.

How to survive

Such a boss can hardly be called evil in the flesh or accused of hating employees. Rather, he has problems with management skills. He does not know how to correctly delegate tasks and reasonably monitor their implementation, otherwise his presence would not be required at every stage.

All you have to do is to win his trust, not particularly rebelling at the same time. Prove by deeds that you are coping with tasks, and there will be more freedom.

2. Ghost

This boss takes a position directly opposite to the control freak. You remember its existence in the moments of its sudden appearance. The rest of the time, the department does its job very well.

Such a boss looks rather harmless and usually annoys with only one thing: no one understands why he is needed and why he receives a manager's salary.

How to survive

If you are happy with your salary and responsibilities, all that gets in the way of working with such a boss is a heightened sense of justice. To make yourself less nervous about the circumstances, look for rational arguments for yourself. For example, your boss isn't getting paid out of your pocket, so don't worry.

3. Selfish

Whatever happens, this boss thinks only about himself and his own benefit. He perceives his subordinates only as a consumable, and their work as a way to get his personal bonuses. Therefore, an egoistic boss easily promises to higher management that his department will complete any tasks, even unrealizable ones. Together with his subordinates, he will not decide how to do this. But in case of failure, he will willingly shift the blame onto employees and, possibly, even deprive them of their bonuses.

How to survive

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to overcome an egoist on his territory. The sense of responsibility and justice is alien to him. So trying to operate with rational arguments is useless. If you value your job and want to keep it at all costs, the best strategy is to be comfortable. Alas, it sounds sad, but you have little leverage.

You can still do something interesting and even promote your ideas. Only present them from a position that will emphasize the benefits for the boss. True, be prepared for the fact that he will pass off your ideas as his own.

4. Superstar

Such a boss is convinced that one star should shine in the sky of the office - and this is him. Therefore, he will perceive any other people's success as a blow to pride and an excuse to take revenge later. It does not matter that someone's brilliant idea will help to overfulfill the plan or solve a difficult problem, it is much more important that the idea did not come to his mind.

How to survive

Periodically "stroke" the boss's pride. You don't have to be an insincere sucker. Surely he has qualities worthy of compliments. But alas, sycophants will still find it easier to get along with their superstar boss.

5. Patriot

Such a boss, without any team building, knows that he works for the best company in the world. Therefore, the subordinates should be glad that they were given such an honor. In this case, the salary is a nice, but not obligatory bonus.

The worst thing is when love for the company is measured not by good work, but by adherence to ridiculous rules. For example, employees are required to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the working day, and leave only after direct supervision. Taking time off for personal matters is unforgivable, and the only thing your boss approves of is working for a great company.

For such a boss, following the rules means more than being efficient. However, efficiency in such an environment is rarely discussed.

How to survive

This is a clinical case. Only the hope that one day it will all end will help you survive with your patriotic boss. If you're not ready to wait, update your resume and tune in to find a new place.

6. Ham

Sometimes it may seem that bosses of this type stepped into the manager's office straight from the gate. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain their special manner of communication, which goes far beyond the scope of business etiquette. For any mistake and even the smallest miscalculation, they shower their subordinates with insults, often with selective obscenities. Of course, you will never get an apology from them.

How to survive

It is not always the goal of the boss-boor - to humiliate you. Moreover, sometimes he does not even realize exactly how he behaves - he is simply used to such communication, which, due to the hierarchy, turns out to be one-sided. This does not justify him, and even less does it mean that one should remain indifferent to constant humiliation. They are destructive and can lead to unpleasant psychological consequences.

In theory, HR specialists should understand such situations, but they do not always do this. If this is your case, there is no good news: you will most likely have to leave. However, before that, try to talk to the boss-boor and outline the boundaries - it will suddenly work.

7. Godfather

Such a boss has a huge family, many friends and acquaintances. And he tries to employ everyone in your department. And connections here play a much larger role than competencies. As a result, it turns out that only a few employees are capable of doing the job. And all things are hung up on them.

How to survive

It's time to find an employment contract, job description and refresh your memory of what exactly you should do in the workplace. And then honestly and conscientiously fulfill what was laid down, without taking on other people's responsibilities. Technically, it will be impossible to find fault with you, so you can hold out for some time and not die under the rubble of someone else's work.

8. Dictator

It is most important for such bosses to feel their omnipotence, and therefore subordinates will always do something wrong. You will never hear praise and just a kind word, but for any mistake you risk getting punished.

Avoiding miscalculations will not work, because the rules will change as the dictator wants. Let's say yesterday he said to print and put the drawings on his desk, but today he swears that you did not send them in electronic form. His yesterday's instructions are irrelevant, but you could have guessed the new one yourself.

How to survive

Just run. This is a situation of classic abuse, from which it will be more and more difficult to get out of it every month. You will gradually begin to think that this is normal and that everyone lives like this. It is not, and you deserve the best right now.

9. Seeker

Each employee is entitled to five pens and one notebook per year. The reams of paper are calculated and handed out personally only after justifying what and why you are going to print. There will be no cooler, because there is excellent water in the tap. All this seems to be non-lethal, but it makes the work uncomfortable.

How to survive

In the little things, you can give in - buy pens yourself and throw in the water. Large purchases are best justified by the benefits they will bring to the company. The more convincing you are, the better your chances of success.

10. Adept of discrimination

Such a boss can snatch at you, because you are a woman, a man, red-haired, blond, non-Slavic in appearance, non-Muscovite, Muscovite, you put the wrong emphasis on the word "cottage cheese". There will be no logic here.

The result of discrimination, as well as the reason for it, can be different. For example, you will be blamed on difficult tasks because you do not feel sorry for you. Or, conversely, do not give them, because you "definitely will not cope."

You may not hear direct insults addressed to you, but background jokes will surely slip through. And this will definitely negatively affect your life and sense of self.

How to survive

Fighting discrimination as a phenomenon in the person of a single boss is quite difficult, although it is possible. If you do not have the internal resource to persuade, argue, explain and complain, you have the right to do nothing. Activism is a personal choice. But you should not endure such treatment either. Better to find yourself a new job.
