5 indoor plants that produce the most oxygen
5 indoor plants that produce the most oxygen

Since childhood, we have known that plants are excellent at helping to enrich the air with oxygen through photosynthesis. The five indoor plants that produce the most oxygen are in this article.

5 indoor plants that produce the most oxygen
5 indoor plants that produce the most oxygen



Chlorophytum not only perfectly cleans the air from pollution, but also intensively enriches it with oxygen. And thanks to its unpretentiousness, it will survive even with the most careless flower growers. Chlorophytum grows best on a sunny window, but it also lives well in the shade. Watering loves plentiful, will be grateful for regular spraying.



Gloxinia's fluffy, dark green leaves contain a lot of chlorophyll. Therefore, it is not difficult for her to convert a large amount of carbon dioxide into oxygen. Flowers of various shapes and colors, with proper care, will delight you for several months. The subtlety in the content of gloxinia is that after flowering, the plant needs a dormant period. Therefore, when the aerial part of the plant begins to die off after flowering, do not panic. If you want gloxinia to bloom all year round, you will have to arrange additional lighting for them.



As soon as they do not call sansevieria: pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, leopard lily, snake plant! Sansevieria perfectly produces oxygen and, moreover, is not very whimsical: it can grow both in cool and warm rooms, although it is photophilous, but it quite tolerates cultivation in partial shade and shade, is undemanding to humidity and does not need frequent watering.



In stores you can find this plant also called "areca palm". Bright, warm rooms are suitable for keeping dipsis. To prevent the leaves from drying out and turning yellow, it is necessary to regularly spray the plant. It is very important that the room where the dipsis grows is sufficiently fresh, but there is no draft. It is better to immediately purchase an adult plant, since small dipsis do not survive well at home.

Fat woman

Fat woman
Fat woman

The people call the fat woman a money tree. There is a belief that it attracts material well-being, so it can be found most often in offices. In addition to the signs, the popularity of the fat woman provided her unpretentiousness. This is a succulent, and therefore, it can be watered infrequently. The fat woman is also not demanding for temperature conditions and lighting, but if the leaves began to turn red, then it is worth removing the tree in the shade.

Even a couple of plant pots will improve the indoor air.
