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What is the power of negative thinking
What is the power of negative thinking

We constantly promise ourselves to exercise more often, eat better, do more and change our life in general, but we do not keep our word. Negative thinking will help fix this. Awesome way, but it works.

What is the power of negative thinking
What is the power of negative thinking

By underestimating ourselves today, we help ourselves succeed tomorrow

When we say to ourselves: “I will succeed,” “I will do this or that,” as a result, we usually do nothing. We just hope that tomorrow we will be smarter and better, and we do not make an effort to really succeed.

It would be more useful to think negatively about yourself. If instead of “Tomorrow I wake up early and go to workout” you think “Tomorrow I will use any excuse to sleep longer and skip workout” - what will you change in your behavior today?

Will you leave your alarm clock away from bed to get up exactly at the right time? Will you pack a gym bag with everything you need in advance? Can you prepare your coffee so that you can quickly brew it in the morning? If you are optimistic about yourself, you will most likely rely on yourself tomorrow and do nothing.

The main trick is to always assume that tomorrow you will be a little lazier and slower than today.

Imagine: you wake up, and the bag is already packed, coffee is brewing, a playlist of your favorite music is also ready. You just won't have an excuse to skip a workout. After all, after all that has been done, you are now obliged to bring the matter to the end.

By not relying on our memory, we become more organized

A pessimistic attitude towards yourself helps not only to adhere to the decisions made, but also to become more organized. Just don't try to rely on your memory all the time.

Do not hope that tomorrow you will remember something. There are many ways to save information, it is better to use one of them. Why burden your future self? This will only decrease your productivity, increase your stress, and be less organized.

If you have a specific storage system, it will be much easier for you to keep everything under control and not forget anything.

So do yourself a favor and start thinking that you are a complete fool whose memory you cannot rely on. And then do whatever is necessary so that this "fool" does not fail.

Expecting small from ourselves, we always exceed expectations

When we realistically assess ourselves and consider that our brains will look for ways to evade commitments, and despite this, we still achieve success, this is a real victory. Such victories over their weaknesses and shortcomings energize and help to move on.

So think negatively! This is perhaps the most positive thing you can do for yourself.
