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7 tips for those looking to develop positive thinking
7 tips for those looking to develop positive thinking

Being a pessimist is not only unpleasant but also unhealthy, so take these guidelines into account.

7 tips for those looking to develop positive thinking
7 tips for those looking to develop positive thinking

Many people perceive positive thinking as a cliché or even fiction. Nevertheless, positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress has been confirmed by scientific research. People who are cheerful and self-confident live longer, suffer less from depression, cope better with life's upheavals, and resist illness.

If you've been pessimistic about the world for years, it may not be easy to move into positive thinking. Here are some tips to help.

1. Start your day with a positive attitude

Morning is a very important period that often sets the tone for the whole day. Surely it happened that you woke up in a bad mood and were in a bad mood until the evening.

To avoid this, start your day with a positive attitude - affirmations. Go to the mirror and say to yourself something like "Today is going to be a good day" or "Today I will succeed." You may feel stupid out of habit, but it doesn't matter. Repeat these phrases regularly and you will notice how your thinking will change.

2. Concentrate on the good

Sometimes in life, things don't go the way we want them to. Instead of worrying about situations like these, try looking for the good side of them. Let's say you're stuck in traffic, but you have the opportunity to listen to a useful podcast or a new album from your favorite artist.

After a few days of this practice, you will be able to find positive aspects even in those things that previously upset or hurt you very much.

3. Don't forget about humor even in bad situations

Many people tend to exaggerate the scale of the events that happen to them and worry a lot about them. In fact, there are few situations that can really drastically affect our lives.

Humor helps to abstract from your own fears and remind yourself that life goes on. The next time trouble strikes, try joking about it. This will relieve stress and allow you to more soberly assess what is happening.

4. Learn from failure

Nobody is perfect. You will make mistakes from time to time: in different positions, with different people and at different times. Don't be sad and blame yourself.

Better analyze the situation, understand what it can teach you, and make a list of rules for yourself that will prevent this from happening in the future. Try to figure out what you did wrong and apply that knowledge next time.

5. Have positive self-talk

Internal dialogue is your thoughts about yourself and your own actions. When we are pessimistic, we often do not notice how we begin to think badly about ourselves and our abilities. Especially after failures. “Why did I just undertake this?”

Such thoughts negatively affect our self-confidence, demotivate and become a source of stress. It is much more beneficial to have a positive internal dialogue. Instead of "Why did I just start this" - "Nothing, next time it will be better." Instead of "I should have said such a nonsense" - "It is difficult to guess whether you will be understood correctly or not." And instead of "Of course, I didn't succeed, I can't do anything" - "I'll have to practice and try again."

6. Focus on the present

A significant part of the sources of negativity are memories of past events or fear of the future. As a rule, at any given moment something bad happens to us very rarely.

Let's say your boss scolded you. Your bad mood appears because of what has already happened, and at this moment there is nothing negative. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on the present moment. In the present, more often than not, it's not as bad as we think.

7. Surround yourself with positive people

People are social beings, and our environment strongly influences how and what we think and perceive the world. If there are optimistic people around you, then you will hear positive opinions about various things, positive beliefs and attitudes.

Over time, your consciousness will automatically adjust to this type of thinking. You will begin to look at reality less negatively, it will be easier for you to notice the good. Plus, positive people are more likely to support others because they have enough energy to share. And support will not be superfluous: any person needs it.
