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5 questions to rethink your career
5 questions to rethink your career

They will be useful if you are in a crisis or just want to better understand yourself.

5 questions to rethink your career
5 questions to rethink your career

If now you think that you are at a dead end, do not despair. As the writer Manoj Arora said, in life and in the boxing ring, defeat is not the moment when you fall, but the moment when you refuse to rise.

Although the boss's actions or the economy are beyond your control, you can always do something for yourself and your career. Answer these questions to understand which way to go.

1. Do I need radical changes?

Wherever you are on the road right now, you should think about how much and what kind of change you want. They can be different: from changing tasks at the current job to moving to another company or even another field of activity. Or maybe you want to completely change your profession or work for yourself. Sorting out this is your first step.

2. Do I know what I need?

Most people have only a rudimentary understanding of their needs and potential, so they end up in jobs that are poorly aligned with their interests and abilities. If you suspect the same thing has happened to you, think about your needs. They will help you determine where you will be best.

For example:

  • Do you prefer that you have more freedom and independence or stability and guarantees?
  • Which would you choose - to work in a more prestigious job or to do something that you enjoy?
  • Would you like to help others or do something that allows you to learn new things and fuels your curiosity?

These seem to be simple questions, but most of us did not ask ourselves before choosing a career path. If you are looking for something new now, be sure to think it over.

3. What should I avoid?

Sometimes it's easier to understand what you definitely don't want from work. Remember your pain points. Maybe you hate repetitive tasks, lack meaning in your current activities, or are tired of implementing other people's ideas. Or are you tired of constantly working with people, taking a long time to get to the office, living on a tight schedule. Consider everything to understand what to avoid in future searches.

Just as a difficult breakup can teach something and lead to a more mature relationship in the future, losing or changing a job can bring about a change for the better and spur personal growth.

4. What is the best way to invest in myself?

Let's say you have chosen a new direction. Now think about what you need to do to succeed and generally convince others that you can do it.

Allocate as much time as possible for this. Assess your capabilities, figure out what skills you need. Learn and rethink yourself. There are now tons of online resources that will help you improve or deepen your knowledge or even acquire completely new skills. Use them.

5. How will I measure success?

Now mentally fast forward a year and try to imagine how your life will change after a career change. How will you generally assess whether you did the right thing? Maybe you want to be happier, richer, healthier or wiser in a year? All at once is hardly possible, but what would you choose first? Find the answer to this question, and then you will move towards the correct goal and your own understanding of success.
