How to make green beer for St. Patrick's Day
How to make green beer for St. Patrick's Day

To feel like Irish, just put on something green on March 17 and pour yourself a glass of ice lager of the same color. Lifehacker figured out how and what is better to paint the foam.

How to make green beer for St. Patrick's Day
How to make green beer for St. Patrick's Day

If you want to follow the tradition, stock up on just a couple of ingredients: green food coloring and, of course, the beer itself.


You will have to choose from two options for food coloring. You can take the gel one sold in confectionery stores, drip a little directly to the bottom of the glass, dilute with a couple of tablespoons of beer, and then pour the remaining drink. The sequence is just that. Otherwise, the gel will hardly dissolve in the abundance of liquid and will simply float in pieces.

The second option is powder dye, which you can get at almost any supermarket. The advantage of this method is not only in greater availability, but also in the ability to independently regulate the color of the drink, dropwise adding powder diluted with water to the beer.

About ¼ teaspoon is enough to color the beer for the whole company. Dissolve the dye in a little cold water until all crystals are gone.


Add the liquid colorant drop by drop to the beer until you achieve the desired color.


To keep the green as bright as possible, mix the paint only with light, filtered beer.

If you wish, you can experiment with shades by combining yellow and blue dyes. Different proportions allow you to get a whole palette of green.

In the photo below, the yellow and blue powders were mixed in equal parts. The difference in shades is visible to the naked eye.


When choosing a quality colorant and using it in moderation, the coloration will not affect the taste of the beer in any way.
