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Why you need to make music
Why you need to make music

If you have never understood how you can learn music, or were waiting for a special sign to start, then this article will help you in both cases!

Why you need to make music
Why you need to make music

Recently I read a book by Oliver Sachs "", in which he, based on research and his thoughts, discusses the place that music occupies in our life. Based on his words, music is something that everyone should do. By the way, based on my words, which you will read below, too.

Music has a positive effect on many diseases

Mostly psychological. For example, the effects of Tourette's syndrome can be alleviated with music. Professional jazzman David Eldridge suffered from Tourette's syndrome, but drumming helped him to contain the effects of the disease, including nervousness, mood swings, nervous tics and more. The symptoms of Parkinson's disease are also much easier to carry with music.


If a person loses the ability to move, for example, due to paralysis, the limbs forget how to move. However, music can restore muscle memory by activating the motor system.

In his book, Sachs cites himself as an example. Due to a fractured hip, he was immobile for a long time. During this time, the leg stopped moving, but constant listening to Irish folk music, to which the author is not indifferent, gradually returned the ability to move the leg, and then walk.

You will always have something to do

You shouldn't make music just for the sake of making a career out of it. Think of it as a great pastime. In your free time, you will always have something to do, and this activity will be music. Moreover, I assure you, it will never get bored.

Common interests

How many people do you know who don't like music? You may have come up with several names, but you must admit that there are many more who love music. In a company, this will allow you to always be in the subject and always be able to keep up a conversation about music.

You will also be able to make new acquaintances, and the people who make music are very interesting and often unusual. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but in any case, you will always benefit from new and unusual acquaintances.

You will start to look at music differently

I already wrote about what superpowers music gave me, and I can't call them any other way. You will really start listening to music in a new way, finding new and new features in it, and you will listen to each song dozens of times, constantly finding something new in it.


If I could convince you that you need to study music, then the next question that should arise in your head: where to start? And I have an answer to it. You can find many tools here for the most basic level. After a while, you will need other teaching methods, but by this point you will most likely already know which way you need to move.

Forget that you are 20, 30, 40, 50 years old, that you have never made music, that you have no free time. If you love listening to music, then imagine that playing it yourself is a thousand times more enjoyable. Have you presented? But no. It cannot be imagined, it can only be tried, and I hope you will try!
