Table of contents:

Urgent addiction: what to do when time pressure becomes a habit
Urgent addiction: what to do when time pressure becomes a habit

The desire to do everything can be very harmful.

Urgent addiction: what to do when time pressure becomes a habit
Urgent addiction: what to do when time pressure becomes a habit

What is urgent addiction

Mandel BR is called Addictology as urgency addiction. M. 2014 is a special type of addiction - the habit of constantly being in a state of lack of time. It is classified as non-chemical, that is, not related to the use of substances, addictions.

For the first time this term was used by the American poet, former journalist and university teacher Nina Tassi in the book of the same name, Tassi N. Urgency Addiction: How to Slow Down Without Sacrificing Success. USA: Penguin Books Ltd. 1993 to 1993. She lamented that the Americans of her day were so obsessed with urgency that they ended up losing themselves.

A year later, the famous coach and writer Stephen Covey in his book Covey S. Focus on the main things. Live, love, learn and leave a legacy. - M., 2011 "Main attention to the main things" also talked about the dependence on urgency. So he called the self-destructive desire to live in a hurry, which arises from the need to fill the void of unmet needs. Covey stated that most people do not realize how a limited amount of time affects them.

How urgent dependence manifests itself

Nina Tassi singled out Mandel BR Addictology. M. 2014 six of its main characteristics:

  1. Strict time control - no matter what the addict does, he always watches the clock.
  2. Living at too high a speed that makes you feel uncomfortable.
  3. Consent to do any job at any time.
  4. Refusal of personal time - the addict completely devotes himself to vigorous activity.
  5. Failure to enjoy life right now - all thoughts are centered around plans for the future or worries about past failures.
  6. Emotionally negative projection of the future - a person puts off his true desires for later, but at the same time feels that they are becoming more and more unattainable, and he himself is drowning under the pressure of responsibilities and external factors.

Experiencing urgent dependence are constantly afraid of Mandel BR Addictology. M. 2014, which may not have time to complete useful - for example, for a career or self-development - business. Because of this, people load themselves with an excessive number of tasks with too short a deadline, they tend to participate in all the activities available to them. And as a result, they spend almost all their time on it.

An important element of urgent addiction is workaholism.

Finding himself in a situation where there is plenty of time, the urgent addict feels Mandel BR Addictology. M. 2014 discomfort, anxiety and even fear, the desire to do something to occupy the freed hours or minutes. And he is looking for opportunities to again experience the satisfaction of a task completed in a short time.

Tassi N. Urgency Addiction: How to Slow Down Without Sacrificing Success. USA: Penguin Books Ltd. 1993 very different people, while, most likely, they will take it for granted. The reason for the appearance of this addiction can be Mandel BR Addictology. M. 2014 to be a model of success imposed by society - the need to constantly achieve something and demonstrate it to others.

Society actually encourages urgent addiction.

The race for success gradually forms a vicious circle: a person performs more and more tasks, increases his status, but he has less and less time for himself and his loved ones. He begins to live in a world of values, cut off from his "I".

It is difficult for urgently dependent Mandel BR Addictology. M. 2014 to dream, he constantly watches the clock, becomes more driven by others. He may lose the pleasure of books, music or films, lose the ability to see the beauty of nature. Works of art cease to impress him, he begins to prefer shorter and simpler forms of presenting information: digests, videos, and so on.

What to do if you suspect you have an urgent addiction

To understand if you are susceptible to urgent addiction, Nina Tassi suggests Tassi N. Urgency Addiction: How to Slow Down Without Sacrificing Success. USA: Penguin Books Ltd. 1993 measure the "urgency index". To do this, you need to answer whether these 12 statements of Urgency Addiction are true or false in your case. Poet Nina Carey Tassi:

  1. I have no time for myself.
  2. I convince myself that I will soon do what I really want.
  3. I rarely dream.
  4. I feel like time is running out.
  5. I rarely think about the meaning of life.
  6. I do not set spiritual goals in my life.
  7. I never rest in the fresh air, just watching what is happening.
  8. I rarely do something unplanned just to unwind.
  9. I promise myself that I will take a great vacation soon.
  10. I rarely wonder if I'm happy.
  11. I often feel sleep deprived.
  12. I would read more books if I had more time.

The number of affirmative responses should clarify your relationship over time:

  • One to three - you give yourself less attention than you deserve.
  • Four to eight - the sense of urgency has already hurt you.
  • From 9 to 12 - you deprive yourself of the necessary time and thereby destroy your own personality.

According to the Tassi Index, almost everyone has problems in this area.

Nina Tassi recommends Urgency Addiction. Poet Nina Carey Tassi to rethink your attitude to life and time, sometimes learn to just enjoy the moment. According to the poetess, the opposite of an urgently dependent person is a person:

  • who is never in a hurry;
  • lives here and now;
  • has normal self-esteem;
  • effectively manages time;
  • believes in the future and learns from the past;
  • strives to devote more time and attention to people who are significant to him.

To get rid of the habit of lack of time, you need BR Mandel Addictology. M. 2014 listen to your internal clock: if possible, go to bed and wake up at those moments when the body requires it. It is also worth being in the fresh air more often, communicating with loved ones, finding time for something that brings pleasure: sports, creativity, or even lying on the couch. That is, finally, to stop being afraid of something not to be in time.

If you can't live off schedule, make rest a part of it. To do this, you can, for example, include in your plan a walk in nature, a trip to visit, reading a book, or any other activity that has been put on the back burner.

Getting rid of an urgent addiction completely can be very difficult.

The nervous system, which has adapted to constant stress, is forced to rebuild again when it stops. And the person feels not relaxation, but a new anxiety. As a result, he can again return to his addiction.

Therefore, in order to cope with urgent addiction, you will have to go through a period of adaptation, which can take up to several weeks. Physical activity - well-known associates in the fight against stressful conditions - will help to transfer it easier.
