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Cleaning like the last time: a new approach to tidying up in Swedish
Cleaning like the last time: a new approach to tidying up in Swedish

Imagine that tomorrow you will be gone. What will you leave behind?

Cleaning like the last time: a new approach to tidying up in Swedish
Cleaning like the last time: a new approach to tidying up in Swedish

The Scandinavians have given the world a lot of interesting things - from the books of Hans Christian Andersen and Astrid Lindgren to the hygge and lagom lifestyles. Another gift concerns the organization of home space and maintaining cleanliness.

Döstädning - translated from Swedish, this translates approximately as "death cleaning". In less frightening terms - "cleaning like the last time."

The author of the concept, Swedish artist Margareta Magnussen, who has published a book with a somewhat controversial title "The Delicate Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family from Lifetime Disorder", put forward a simple thesis: "Look around. What will remain after you if you die tomorrow? " And suddenly this thesis turned into a fashion trend.

The life hacker lays out the essence of "death cleaning", as they say, on the shelves.

Why is it needed

Margarete Magnussen is over 80, and initially she wrote a book for people over 50 - those who, like herself, are already thinking about the inevitable ending of life. Most people go with the flow: they buy new things, store old ones, do not attach importance to the mess and rubbish that has accumulated in the home. Few people ask themselves the question: what will happen to these things if I suddenly disappear today?

Your heirs will see all the mess you left behind. And if there are too many things, they are unlikely to be able to figure out which of them are really important and can serve as a reminder of you, and which is unnecessary old stuff. Some of the things will go to the trash heap. Some are on sale. Or maybe your loved ones even have to hire a cleaning company to clean up all the mess you've left behind?

I often ask myself: Will anyone be happier if I leave this thing in the house? When the answer is no, I get rid of it.

Margareta Magnussen

It is from this point of view that the Döstädning concept proposes an approach to organizing home space. The purpose of cleaning becomes absolutely clear: to make it easier for loved ones. Leave behind a bright, "pure" memory. Making every thing in the house full of meaning - and then you are unlikely to have a lot of things left, which means that maintaining order in the house will become a very simple task.

In addition, there is one more bonus: "deathbed" cleaning is not tedious at all. By sorting through the objects that fill your home, getting rid of the unnecessary and concentrating on the important, you can revise your life, reevaluate it, and leave the most precious memories in your memory. And then - to live in an organized space filled with air and light.

7 cleaning rules in Swedish

Cleaning “as if it’s the last time” doesn’t have so many rules, it’s intuitive. However, there are still a few key points, and it is important to focus on them.

1. Even if you are under 50, this concept is also suitable for you

The idea of "dying" cleaning is workable at any age. After all, from childhood we know which things are important to us, evoke warm memories and give joy, and which are not. This method is suitable for anyone who wants to simplify and streamline their life.

2. Clean up smoothly, slowly, but continuously

With the Döstädning concept, you don't just clean up - you change your life. There is no place for rush and fuss in this process, it cannot be limited to a specific period of time. Cleaning before death is seen as a lifestyle change, not as a banal dusting off and putting things in closets.

3. Tell loved ones what you are doing

Telling family and friends why and why you get rid of things and update the rules for organizing space, you will make your intentions obvious. This will make you feel responsible and not give up halfway through the process.

4. Give people things that have no place in your life

Once you have spent money and time buying these items, they probably have their own value. But not for you. Perhaps this value can be felt by someone else. Give things a chance! Books (at least some) will surely be welcomed by your friends. Toys and clothes - needy families. And you will receive joy not only from putting things in order in your own life, but also from the donation process.

5. Start cleaning from the closet or dressing room

Magnussen assures that this is the least emotionally expensive step: we part with clothes and shoes easier than with books, jewelry or toys. Starting simple makes it easier to continue.

6. Remember that this cleaning also has a psychotherapeutic effect

After all, it is not about the upcoming finale. It's about redefining your life and focusing on the most important things. Cleaning before death is such an uncomplicated and delicate way to write a clear and simple story of your own.

7. Thank yourself for what you did

After you have completed the next intermediate stage of tidying up, thank yourself for this. And even reward: the reward can be a trip to the cinema, a beautiful manicure, a new hairstyle, or, for example, a dinner in a cozy cafe with those closest to you. This will be a good emotional support on your journey.
