Table of contents:

First aid for dislocation: what can and cannot be done
First aid for dislocation: what can and cannot be done

Don't even try to deal with this trauma yourself.

First aid for dislocation: what can and cannot be done
First aid for dislocation: what can and cannot be done

How to know if it is a dislocation

Dislocation is an injury that anyone can face. Unsuccessfully jumped off the curb or landed on the elbow when falling, or hit the basketball too vigorously, or even just yawned too wide … it jammed.

First of all, don't panic. Perhaps the painful sensation is just a muscle spasm caused by a blow, or, let's say, a sprain. Unpleasant, but relatively safe. So take a deep breath (this will help relieve pain) and look at the affected body part.

A dislocation is a displacement of the bones in a joint.

First aid for dislocation: what does the affected joint look like
First aid for dislocation: what does the affected joint look like

Depending on the degree of displacement, the appearance may differ. But in general it doesn't matter. Remember just four Dislocation symptoms. With any of them, you need to go to a traumatologist as soon as possible!

  1. The affected joint looks strange - for example, the bone is taking on an unnatural angle.
  2. The joint has increased in size, there is swelling, and the skin above this area has changed color - reddened or, on the contrary, became waxy-pale.
  3. You feel severe pain in the joint area. Another option is numbness: if the nerve endings were damaged during the dislocation, loss of sensitivity is possible.
  4. You cannot move the bones in the affected joint. For example, bend or straighten a bruised finger or close a "jammed" jaw. And if you succeed, then with great difficulty and through an attack of acute pain.

What not to do in case of dislocation

If you suspect a dislocation, in no case make these common mistakes.

Do not hope that it will pass by itself

Dislocation is the closest relative of a fracture. Even if the bones are still intact, blood vessels and nerves could be damaged during the displacement. The same nerves, perhaps, will "heal", but they will remind you for years of injury with aching pain, or even a serious limitation of mobility in the affected joint.

Do not try to correct the dislocation yourself

First of all, because you may not have a dislocation, but a fracture. The symptoms of these injuries are very similar to Dislocation, and sometimes it is possible to distinguish one from the other only with the help of an X-ray. Trying to repair broken bones will only increase the damage.

Do not slow down

Dislocation is always accompanied by edema, and often also internal bleeding. The more time has passed since the injury, the more fluid accumulates near the joint and the more difficult it will be to correct it. So do not hesitate - run to the emergency room. If "running" does not work - for example, a leg is injured - do not hesitate to call an ambulance.

How to provide first aid for dislocation

1. Provide the affected joint with maximum immobility: do not bend your knees, elbows, fingers, do not move your jaw …


2. Apply something cold to the injured area - an ice pack or frozen vegetables (remember to wrap it in a thin cloth), a hot water bottle filled with ice water. The cold will stop the development of swelling and reduce pain.


3. Take an ibuprofen or acetaminophen pain reliever.


4. And hurry up to the doctor!


How will the dislocation be treated?

Treatment begins with a physical examination. A traumatologist or surgeon will most likely send you for an x-ray to make sure it is a dislocation and not a fracture or cracked bone. In some cases, an MRI scan may be required: CT scans can help the physician assess the damage to the soft tissue around the joint.

Further actions depend on what exactly the doctor finds. Most often, treatment includes the following items.

The medic will try to straighten the joint

That is, to return the shifted bones to the correct position. This procedure is quite painful and may require local or even general anesthesia.

You may need surgery

They resort to it if it was not possible to cope with the dislocation manually. Also, surgery is prescribed for significant damage to the nerves, blood vessels and ligaments, or repeated dislocations in the same area.

We'll have to immobilize the joint for a while

After the bones return to their natural position, the surgeon can immobilize the joint by applying a splint or hanging it on a sling. How long you have to wear this "harness" - several days or several weeks - depends on the degree of damage to the joint, nerves, blood vessels and soft tissues.

You will need to rehabilitate

Having got rid of a splint or a sling, get ready to do joint exercises and undergo physiotherapy procedures for a long time and persistently. This is an important step that is necessary to regain the former mobility.

By the way, keep in mind: if the joint has been dislocated at least once, it is highly likely that one day it will happen again. To reduce the risks, follow all your doctor's recommendations. And of course, take care of yourself.
