Table of contents:

12 ways to spend a day alone to your advantage
12 ways to spend a day alone to your advantage

If you don't like being on your own, you may just not know what to do.

12 ways to spend a day alone to your advantage
12 ways to spend a day alone to your advantage

Do what you've been putting off

Did you want to make out old photos on your hard drive, but couldn't get your hands on it? It's time to do it. There will be one less task on the “someday I will do this” list.

Become a volunteer


You can go for a walk with the dogs from the shelter or spend time with the inmates of the orphanage. Find out what charity events are taking place in your city and do a good deed.

Make a plan for the week, month, or year

Set goals for the near future. Or just plan next week and come up with a menu for every day.

Go to a bath or sauna


Going to the bathhouse seems like an occupation for the company, but who is stopping you from doing it alone? If you have no contraindications, this is a great way to relax.

Learn an interesting recipe

Prepare an unusual dish and arrange a romantic evening for one.

Take a short trip

Visit a nearby town - why not? Check out which sights to see, grab a backpack with everything you need, and change your surroundings.

Get creative


Draw a small picture, write a poem or story, write a song. Maybe you will find a hobby or discover a hidden talent in yourself.

Write a letter

Pen or pencil on plain paper. E-mails are probably enough for you on weekdays. Address it to anyone - yourself, a friend, a relative, or an idol. Write whatever you want, put it in an envelope and send it.

Learn new

Try, for example, sewing a plush toy or take an interesting online course. We are lucky to live in a time when information is sufficient and available. This is worth taking advantage of.

Arrange a general cleaning


Disassemble the cabinet, get rid of unnecessary things, dust off in the farthest corners, clean the stove and refrigerator. The apartment will become clean, the closet will be free, and you will be distracted from pressing problems.

Go for a massage or spa

Pamper yourself, relax, take a day off and recharge for the next week.

Watch old movies

Federico Fellini, David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch, Stanley Kubrick - delve into the lists of cult films from famous directors and fill in the blanks. Or just revisit something from your favorite. The main thing is to enjoy it.

Don't be afraid to be on your own, take advantage of it and enjoy life.
