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How to relieve neck tension and prevent pain
How to relieve neck tension and prevent pain

Working at a computer is almost always an abnormal back position and a head stretched forward. Lifehacker shows exercises that will help stretch and relax the stiff muscles of the neck, preventing pain and other problems with the cervical spine.

How to relieve neck tension and prevent pain
How to relieve neck tension and prevent pain

When you work at a computer and even more so at a laptop, the neck, as a rule, moves forward.

This causes excessive tension in the muscles of the neck, which are forced to support the head in a non-physiological position.

When the head comes forward and the shoulders are lifted, the upper trapezius muscle and the suboccipital muscles are strained. The sternocleidomastoid muscle, on the other hand, stretches and loses its tone.

neck muscles
neck muscles

Over time, the muscles get used to being constantly tense, so you can't just relax them so easily.

Moreover, collagen fibers of the fascia grow around the muscles and fix them in the wrong position: so that now it seems comfortable to you.

Tense neck muscles can cause hyperlordosis of the cervical spine, a condition where the neck is stretched excessively forward.

This, in turn, impairs blood supply, can cause an intervertebral hernia, pinch a nerve and other problems.

In order not to bring yourself to illness, regularly stretch your neck muscles, performing the proposed exercises. Some of them can be easily performed even in the workplace or in the car, while others will require a ball, rug or elastic band. They can be done at home or at the gym.

Contraindications - severe neck pain or existing diseases of the cervical spine: hernia, pinched nerve or others. In this case, you need qualified help from a doctor and the advice of a physiotherapist.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck

1. Exercise with a massage ball

For this exercise, you will need a small, hard ball. There are special massage balls that can be ordered on AliExpress, double or single. You can use a tennis or golf ball instead.


Lie on a mat with a ball under one side of your neck at the base of your head. Begin to lower your chin, trying to touch your chest. Do this 10 times and repeat on the other side of your neck.


After this exercise, you can simply roll the ball up and down your neck if the muscles feel stiff.

During the massage, you can feel the points where the muscle tension is especially strong. Such points will feel like tight lumps, which are quite painful to press on with a ball. Work these areas well until the muscles are soft.

Do not roll your neck in the center, directly over the spine, roll the ball over the muscles of the neck on either side of it.


2. Stretching the neck muscles while standing

Stand up straight with one hand on the back of your head and the other on your chin. Pull your chin down and the back of your head up, your neck going back.


This exercise helps stretch and relax the suboccipital and trapezius muscles.

3. Stretching the neck while sitting

Sit down and lean your back against the wall. Pull the back of your head up, making a "double chin". Hold this pose for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.


4. Stretching the neck without back support

You can easily do this exercise anywhere, such as at your desk. Sit on the edge of a chair and transfer your body weight to the ischial tuberosities: this way the back will take a neutral position.

Stretch the back of your head up, making a "double chin". Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, repeat 3 times.

5. Stretching with your hands

Place one hand on your head and gently pull it to the side and forward. Hold for 10 seconds, repeat 3 times in each direction.

During this exercise, the trapezius muscles are well stretched.


6. Stretching with a lean back

Now you need to stretch the sternocleidomastoid muscle so that there is no imbalance.

To do this, pull your neck to the side and back. Fix your head in this position for 5-10 seconds, repeat 3 times in each direction.


With these exercises, you will release tension in your neck, relieve fatigue, and prevent problems with your cervical spine.
