What is slowing down your progress at the gym
What is slowing down your progress at the gym

If you train hard, follow a diet, sleep a lot and still do not see the effect of lipolytic training, then it only seems to you that you are doing everything right. Look at your regime critically: you may have something to work on.

What is slowing down your progress at the gym
What is slowing down your progress at the gym

Understand nutrition

Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of effective fat loss. To get the best results from your workouts, you need to consume the calculated amount of calories and nutrients consistently and daily. Not approximate, but accurate. No random unrecorded snacks, no off-list foods.

Eating right is as much work as exercising in the gym. Treat it with due attention: alas, it will not be possible to deceive the body.

Purchase a scale: those who have recently been studying have a very poor eye in weighing portions. Install the MyFitnessPal app or its analogues and train yourself to count calories. At first it will be inconvenient, then it will turn into a game, and after several weeks of such a regime the application will be completely unnecessary: you will know exactly how much and what is contained in the products from your usual diet.

Don't do too much cardio

The fitness gym client is thankfully different from the squirrel in the wheel. Don't do too long cardio sessions - it's better to take care of their intensity.

First, don't get hung up on a single cardio exercise spied on by a popular blog owner or guest guest at one of the many sports streams on YouTube. For greater efficiency, the cardio load must be varied so that the body does not have time to adapt to it.

Second, manage your cardio time wisely. Without going to the gym for two or three months, you do not need to walk along the path for more than an hour - 20-25 minutes will be enough for an unprepared organism.

The gradual increase in the time of cardio training will not allow the body to adapt to the sessions and will better affect the progress.

Don't be afraid of challenging new exercises

As mentioned above, one of the most important components of progress in the gym is the progression of loads. To keep fit, you can do with light fitness exercises. But if you have a big goal in front of you, then in order to achieve it, you need to do a lot of work. For example, to conduct a workout, after which the strength will remain only for eating and sleeping. Revise the five-day fitness program, reduce the number of classes to three per week, but give all the best on each of them a little more than completely. Set a goal for yourself to lift the desired weight or remove a couple of centimeters from the waist and give it priority in your own schedule.

Don't talk

A very common mistake that coaches and their wards (especially ladies) often make in the gym is taking too long rest between sets, during which the client has time to tell the instructor too much information that should not fall into the walls of the gym.

If your coach is a good listener, that's great, but you need to remember that you need the result in the gym first of all. Focus on your approach and save the friendly conversations for later.

Recover properly

Recovery from physical exertion is almost more important than the exercises themselves. Its quality is influenced by stress, poor sleep, the presence of bad habits and dozens of other factors.

If you don't feel rested the next morning after your workout, then you have slept too little or too badly. Muscle fatigue should not be confused with general apathy: the first is a physiological reaction to the work done the day before, the second is a signal from the body that the regime needs to be adjusted.
