Table of contents:

Why does the tongue hurt and what to do about it
Why does the tongue hurt and what to do about it

If it is difficult to eat or speak, medical attention is needed.

Why does the tongue hurt and what to do about it
Why does the tongue hurt and what to do about it

Why does the tongue hurt?

Pain in the tongue can appear for various reasons. Discomfort in the tongue. Sometimes they are completely harmless and can be easily eliminated without outside help. But in other cases, this is a sign of illness and you cannot do without visiting a doctor. We have collected the most common factors that can cause discomfort on the tongue.


In the oral cavity of a healthy person, many bacteria live, as well as fungi. If immunity decreases Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx or new microbes enter the mucous membrane, the tongue may become inflamed - glossitis develops. In this case, the tongue becomes covered with a sticky grayish coating, it hurts, it burns. If the cause is a fungus of the genus Candida Candidiasis (mucocutaneous), then the plaque is white, it may look like cottage cheese, and when it is removed, blood appears.

Why the tongue hurts: candidiasis of the tongue
Why the tongue hurts: candidiasis of the tongue

What to do

You need to go to the dentist or therapist. The doctor will prescribe Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx rinsing with antiseptics. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed for severe infections, and antifungal drugs for candidiasis.


The tongue hurts a lot when it is accidentally bitten. This can be done even in a dream if there is a disease such as bruxism Bruxism. You cannot guess about it on your own, but your loved ones can hear teeth grinding at night.

Sometimes the lateral surface is scratched. Discomfort in the area of the tongue, chipped teeth or improperly selected dentures.

What to do

See your dentist if your tongue is constantly clinging to the edge of your tooth or false tooth. The doctor will cure him or change the prosthesis.

If the cause is bruxism Bruxism, special dental devices will be fitted between the jaws at night.

Food and various irritants

Tongue irritation or discomfort at the tip or sides can cause Tongue discomfort with food. Usually these are very sour or spicy foods: citrus fruits, pineapples, apples, spices. Sometimes, tongue pain and dryness are triggered by ingredients in toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum, or sweets. Feelings will be different in intensity - from slight discomfort to unbearable burning sensation.

What to do

Watch for tongue pain. If you notice a connection with a certain food, try to limit its use. And if discomfort occurs after brushing or rinsing your teeth, ask your dentist to choose a different product.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Severe deficiency of some vitamins leads to damage to the mucous membranes. For example, with hypovitaminosis of niacin (niacin), which occurs with alcoholism, cirrhosis, or severe diarrhea, pellagra develops. She has the following symptoms of niacin hypovitaminosis:

  • swelling, pain and redness of the tongue, it becomes large and bright scarlet;
  • strong salivation;
  • sores in the mouth on the gums or under the tongue;
  • symmetrical redness of the skin on the hands and neck after sun exposure;
  • redness of the feet with slight pressure from the shoes;
  • burning sensation in the throat and behind the breastbone;
  • bloating and constipation followed by diarrhea;
  • memory impairment and confusion.

If a person does not have enough vitamin B6, the tongue also hurts and becomes inflamed. In addition, cracks in the corners of the mouth, red skin rashes, seizures, deterioration of the heart, depression and confusion are usually observed. Insufficiency and impaired metabolism of vitamin B6 consciousness.

What to do

If the listed symptoms appear, you need to see a therapist. He will conduct an examination, prescribe a diet and vitamins.

Cancer of the tongue

If a small ulcer appears on the surface of the tongue, a wound that does not heal for a long time hurts - it may be Tongue cancer. In addition to these symptoms, at first, nothing usually bothers you. But if a tumor forms at the base of the tongue, closer to the throat, then in the later stages there will be discomfort when swallowing, the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes will increase and weakness will appear.

What to do

If the wound on the tongue does not decrease within 3-4 days after its detection, you need to contact your dentist. He will conduct an examination and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, will refer you to an oncologist for surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Digestive tract diseases

The condition of the tongue depends on the functioning of the digestive tract. And sometimes a burning sensation at the root is one of the symptoms of gastritis. The prevalence of glossalgia, depending on the nature of the concomitant pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. In this case, pain in the stomach on an empty stomach, belching and heartburn may appear.

But most often, tongue pain is a sign of celiac disease. Celiac disease. This is a disease in which a person has a genetic predisposition to intolerance to gluten, a protein in wheat. Therefore, when eating flour, pasta, diarrhea, painful abdominal cramps appear. Over time, due to the fact that the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, vitamins are no longer absorbed, depletion and hypovitaminosis develop.

What to do

If there are digestive problems and changes in the tongue, see a therapist. He will prescribe an examination and, if necessary, refer you to a gastroenterologist.

Burning mouth syndrome

If the mouth often bakes, the tongue hurts for no reason and there are no more external symptoms, perhaps this is the syndrome Burning mouth syndrome burning in the mouth. This disease is most often observed in women during menopause.

The exact reasons for the violation are unknown. Doctors speculate that it is associated with abnormalities in the nerve fibers in the tongue, which are responsible for taste and pain.

What to do

If you suspect a burning mouth syndrome, you need to contact your dentist or therapist. You will be examined to rule out other possible illnesses. If nothing is confirmed Burning mouth syndrome, a diagnosis of burning mouth syndrome will be made.

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, it is advised to drink cold, dissolve a piece of ice, give up sour and spicy. If the pain is completely unbearable, medications are prescribed.

Unknown reason

Sometimes on the tongue, which is normally covered with small papillae, there are smooth red patches that resemble the outlines of islands. This condition is referred to as "Geographic tongue tongue", or "benign migratory glossitis." At the same time, pain, burning sensation in the foci worries, especially after eating acidic foods. The exact cause of this disorder is unknown to Geographic Tongue, but it is often seen in people with psoriasis or reactive arthritis.

Why does the tongue hurt and there is a burning sensation: geographical language
Why does the tongue hurt and there is a burning sensation: geographical language

What to do

Geographic language is not dangerous. But in order to exclude other, more serious diseases, you need to contact your dentist or therapist. The specialist will prescribe an examination and, if necessary, treatment.

How to prevent tongue pain

Knowing the possible causes of pain in the tongue, you can change your lifestyle in order to prevent the appearance of such a symptom. For this:

  • check your teeth once or twice a year at the dentist and have them treated;
  • install dentures by qualified specialists;
  • do not eat food that is too sour or spicy;
  • use quality toothpaste;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • be examined in time if you suspect a disease of the digestive tract.
