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Premature ejaculation: what is it and what are its causes
Premature ejaculation: what is it and what are its causes

Many men face this problem at different periods of their lives. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to deal with.

Premature ejaculation: what is it and what are its causes
Premature ejaculation: what is it and what are its causes

So what is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is when a man loses control over ejaculation. It can occur 30-60 seconds after the start of the act, or even before penetration.

Although ejaculation is usually meant during sex, in general, the problem can arise during any sexual practice, including masturbation.

Also, the standards for the duration of "normal" intercourse imposed by porn should be forgotten. Andrew C. Kramer, MD, urologist and professor of surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, states How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation. that the average time it takes to ejaculate during intercourse is approximately 4–5 minutes.

How common is this problem?

Highly. This problem is faced by Current therapies for premature ejaculation. one in three men at any age. Most often it occurs in men 18-40 years old.

But not every case of premature ejaculation is considered a diagnosis. If this does not bother you and does not happen often, then this is normal.

With over 3,000 doctors and scientists, the Mayo Clinic says you can be diagnosed if:

  • You always or almost always cum within one minute of penetration.
  • You fail to delay ejaculation during intercourse always or almost always.
  • Afterwards, you feel depressed and upset and avoid sexual intimacy.

Premature ejaculation can be classified as

  • Lifetime (primary). It almost always happens, starting with your first sexual encounters.
  • Acquired (secondary). It develops after sexual intercourse and sexual practices that have passed without problems with ejaculation.

Mayo Clinic doctors say Premature ejaculation. that many men tend to think they have premature ejaculation, but their symptoms do not meet the medical criteria for diagnosing it.

Instead, they may have natural recurrent premature ejaculation, which includes periods of fast and normal ejaculation.

What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

The exact reason is unclear. It was once believed that only psychological factors influence. It is now known that premature ejaculation can be associated with a complex interplay of psychological and biological causes.

What are the psychological reasons?

Harassment or violence

Any violation of personal boundaries leaves an imprint on a person's character. If you have experienced this, a therapist can help you to work through the negative experience.

It is important to remember that you are not alone and you are on the right side, not the one who violated your boundaries.

Complexes about the body

Because of the mass media, absolutely all people on the planet are worried about their appearance. Check out the tough guys at BuzzFeed talking about pressure on men. And their photographs are also processed to meet the "ideal standards" of beauty.


Both the condition itself and drugs for it can affect premature ejaculation. If you are not on any medication and do not know that you have depression, but have been depressed for a long time, it may be worth seeing a psychologist.

Worry about having premature ejaculation

If this has happened more than once, the obsession with a possible system bug may just provoke premature ejaculation.

erectile disfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a psychological problem because men who focus on getting or maintaining an erection during intercourse may ejaculate prematurely.

Relationship problems with a partner

If you were okay with having sex with others, and premature ejaculation was rare or nonexistent, the problem may be with your current partner.


As Teenage Habits and Adult Premature Ejaculation found out. scientists, the lack of dialogue about sex, hygiene and personal space in childhood directly affects the problems in adulthood. They lead not only to premature ejaculation, but also to erectile dysfunction.

If it is not customary in the family to call the genitals in direct terms, not to talk about personal space, masturbation, sex, emissions, then the first manifestations of the work of the sexual function in a boy will cause stress.

The first emission occurs at the very beginning of puberty. If the child is not ready for them or cannot discuss them, then a feeling of shame for any manifestation of sexuality will develop. And this is not a mythical feeling that a "real" man in himself will be able to suppress.

Scientists converge on Teenage Habits and Adult Premature Ejaculation. in the opinion that the feeling of shame for spontaneous erections, ejaculations and the fear of being caught during masturbation will develop either into a total inability to relax, or into a real reflex, with which a man will need less than two minutes to orgasm.

If a teenager gets used to the idea of ending as quickly as possible, premature ejaculation will become the norm for the body. It will be very difficult to rebuild without the help of specialists, exercise or medication.

Early sexual experience

It is not customary to discuss this issue, no one tells boys that they may not be morally ready for sex. Instead, there is an unspoken code that being a virgin for a long time is fatal to one's reputation and that a "real" man cannot doubt, think and reflect.

This can be explained: since it is not customary to talk about sex, a teenager can only learn about sex by engaging in it.

But health professionals and psychologists working at TeenHealthFX, a special project for teens at Morristown Medical Center, note that many teens minimize the importance of having sex with another person, so they are often surprised at the intensity of the emotional response, especially if the relationship with the partner does not continue.

They recommend asking yourself a few questions before having sex:

  1. Do you understand the physical nature of sex? Do you know how it physically works for you and your partner?
  2. Are you ready to deal with all the consequences of sex (STDs, unwanted pregnancy)? Do you have access to good condoms?
  3. Since there is also a chance of pregnancy with protected sex, are you prepared for your partner to get pregnant? Do you have a plan of action in this case?
  4. If you do get an STD, what will you do? Do you have the opportunity to receive treatment? Are you ready to share this with someone who can help?
  5. Are you comfortable talking about sex with your partner and asking your doctor about safer sex practices?

If you answered “no” to any of the questions, until you are ready for sex. Psychologists also note that sometimes it is enough just to ask yourself the question "Am I ready for sex?" If in doubt, it’s too early.

Premature ejaculation during the first intercourse often indicates that you were not ready for intimacy. Putting off your sex life for a while is better than getting an emotional breakdown or getting infected.

What are the biological causes?

Experts attribute Premature ejaculation. for biological reasons are as follows:

  • Abnormal hormone levels.
  • Abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.
  • Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra.
  • Heredity.

When should you see a doctor?

If you ejaculate earlier than you would like during most sexual intercourse, see your doctor.

Doctors say Premature ejaculation. that premature ejaculation is common and common and treatable.

They also add that for some men, talking to a urologist may be enough to get rid of the problem. Or it turns out that there is no problem, and the man simply does not know that accidental premature ejaculation is the norm, and the average time from the onset of intercourse to ejaculation is about five minutes.

What are the possible treatment options?

Common treatment options for premature ejaculation include behavioral therapies, anesthetics, medication, and counseling. Keep in mind that it can take a while to find a treatment or combination of treatments that works for you.

Doctors often recommend consultation. This can be psychotherapy, as well as conversations with your partner.

Dr. Kramer explains How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation. about one of the effective options for the behavioral method. It is better to start with masturbation without a partner. “You get to the point where you’re going to ejaculate, and then you stop and think about what might cool you down,” he explains.

Other behavioral techniques may help:

  • Masturbation an hour or two before intercourse.
  • Avoiding regular sex for a while, replacing it with other practices to reduce emotional pressure.
  • Kegel exercises for the pelvic muscles. Stop urinating right in the middle of the process, remember with which muscles you did it. Strain them 3 times a day, 10 reps for 3 seconds. Do not hold your breath, do not strain your abdominal muscles, hips and buttocks.
  • Pause-Compression Technique. Your doctor will tell you how to do it correctly.
  • Thick latex condoms that reduce sensitivity.

Medicines must be recommended and selected by a doctor. They can consist of gels or anesthetics to desensitize the penis. But an incorrectly selected drug can lead to serious loss of sensitivity.

What's the best way to talk to a doctor?

To speed up the diagnosis and selection of the correct treatment, a competent dialogue with the doctor is required.

You can ask him all the questions that interest you, even if they seem unimportant or you are embarrassed. You don't know what will help the doctor better understand your problem, so talk about everything that worries you. These questions can serve as a template:

  • What can cause premature ejaculation?
  • What tests do you recommend to take?
  • What treatment do you recommend?
  • How soon after treatment can I expect to improve?
  • How much improvement can I expect?
  • Am I at risk of facing this problem again?
  • Is there an alternative to the medicine you have prescribed?
  • Is there any important information, brochure or website that I should read?

Expect your doctor to ask very personal questions that you may find inappropriate. Here's a rough list:

  • How often do you have premature ejaculation?
  • When did you first experience premature ejaculation?
  • Does this happen with you only with a specific partner or with everyone?
  • Does this happen when you masturbate?
  • Does this happen every time you have sex?
  • How often do you have sex?
  • How worried are you about premature ejaculation?
  • How worried is your partner about your premature ejaculation?
  • How satisfied are you with your current relationship?
  • Do you have trouble getting or maintaining an erection?
  • Are you taking prescription drugs? If so, which ones have you recently started or stopped taking?
  • Do you use drugs?

Although it will take time to heal, it will significantly improve your quality of life. And you shouldn't delay going to the doctor because of embarrassment. Remember that this is a common problem that can lead to depression, self-esteem, and avoidance of sex. And this despite the fact that getting rid of it is possible at any age.
