Table of contents:

How to stop distractions and start managing your time correctly
How to stop distractions and start managing your time correctly

Often we are so busy that we do not even notice what is happening around us. But it is even worse when we waste time on unnecessary activities, for example, surfing the Internet idle. There are several effective ways to help you better manage your time.

How to stop distractions and start managing your time correctly
How to stop distractions and start managing your time correctly

The right approach to time is very important, because how we use our time determines many things:

  • who are we;
  • what we will become;
  • what we will achieve in life;
  • what kind of relationship we have with other people;
  • what we value most.

Hardy has compiled a list of principles to help you live your everyday life.

Live in the moment

The first step is awareness. Ask yourself, "What am I doing now?" - and try to live this moment. If you meet with friends, do not get distracted by anything and enjoy the conversation. If you are washing the dishes, focus on this action and do not think about anything else.

Of course, just being aware of what you are doing is not enough. Being completely immersed in the wrong activity is no better than being constantly distracted.

Choose Between Good and Best

In any situation, ask yourself: "Can I use my time even better?" If you are not 100% sure of what you are doing, stop. Surely you can do something more useful. For example, watching a movie with children is good, but playing active games with them is better. Reading or listening to something inspiring is good, but you can spend better time, for example, helping someone.

The problem with good deeds is that they are easy to justify because they are "good." You can do a thousand good things right now: go to the gym, read a book, chat with a friend, spend time with your family. But what is the best in this situation? Only context helps to determine what is good and what is better.

Always do the right thing

In every situation, there are always at least two ways out. How do you usually do? When the alarm rings, do you immediately get up, or do you press the "Snooze" button several times? Do you praise your partner or just criticize? Do you listen to the interlocutor or do you always speak yourself?

Every situation is like a crossroads on the road. We constantly have to choose what to do, and the right path is often more difficult. Fortunately, you can learn to always do the right thing, and even bring it to automaticity. Over time, you will begin to enjoy looking back at your day and seeing the results of your labors, not wasted time.

Be who you want to be today

What do you want to be tomorrow? And in 5, 10, 20 years? When will you be 80? Your behavior now reflects how you see yourself in the future. For most people, this view is not very different from their view of themselves in the present. But this is the wrong approach. Once you have identified who you see yourself as in the future, start acting like this future version of yourself. Otherwise, you will never be who you want.

Most people imagine their life no more than 3 years ahead, 20% of people - 5-10 years ahead. Such people are much more successful. And only 2% of people imagine life as a whole, remembering who they want to be at the end of life. Think, for example, of the words of Elon Musk: “I would like to die on Mars. Not when landing. It is clear that this determines all his actions. You may have very different views and values. But are you acting on them?


Of course, changing your approach to timing takes constant practice. Here are some simple and effective ways to help you manage your time better.

  • Always remember what you are doing at the moment. Work on it constantly. Stop yourself when you notice that you are disconnecting from the present. If you are spending time with friends or family, leave your phone in the car or somewhere else where it will not distract you.
  • Write down your core values and goals. Who would you like to see yourself at the end of your life? What would you like to achieve? This self-image will determine your “good” and “best”. When you know what you want, you begin to clearly understand what you do not need at all.
  • Try to exclude from life what prevents you from devoting all your time to the “best”. Or be very careful about how much time you spend on these activities.
  • Memorize a poem, quote, or song - words that will help you focus and think clearly. When doubts and negative thoughts run over you, or you just notice that you have begun to hover in the clouds, say these words to yourself or just think about them. Then remember your goals. Over time, this will help you restructure your thinking, and you will learn to think about exactly what you want.
