The Stoic Philosopher's Recipe for Peace of Mind
The Stoic Philosopher's Recipe for Peace of Mind

Learn how to become psychologically invulnerable and not be affected by the vicissitudes of fate.

The Stoic Philosopher's Recipe for Peace of Mind
The Stoic Philosopher's Recipe for Peace of Mind

The Stoic philosopher Epictetus once said: “Some things are subject to us, while others are not. The first includes our judgments, impulses, desires, dislike, reason; to the second - our body, material property, our reputation and social status - in a word, everything that we cannot control. If you have a correct idea of what is really within your control and what is not, you will never have to depend on external forces and obstacles, you will never blame and condemn others, and you will do all your actions of your own free will."

Of course, in words it is easier than in practice. But it's still quite doable.

To learn to divide things into controlled and uncontrollable things, we need to be motivated not by external results, but by internal achievements.

For example, let's say you're preparing a resume for a promotion. If your goal is to get promoted, you set yourself up for possible disappointment. In the end, the result does not depend on you. You can influence him to some extent, but other factors are still outside your control.

That is why goals must be internal. Following the teachings of stoicism, you need to diligently try and write an excellent resume, but mentally prepare yourself to calmly accept any outcome. What will give us anxiety about events that are not in our control? Or anger at the consequences of other people's actions? We will only deprive ourselves of happiness and tranquility.

This does not mean that you need to passively accept everything that happens. You need to make an effort, but understand that everything does not always turn out the way we want it.

If something does not go according to your plan, gather your strength and move on.

Do you want to win a sports event? It is beyond your control. But it is in your power to give your best and perform well. Do you want your other half to love you? It is beyond your control. But there are many ways to show your partner your love. Do you want some political party to win the elections? It is beyond your control. But you can be politically active and you can vote.

If you learn to look at your goals in this way, nothing can disturb your peace of mind. You will perceive the vicissitudes of life with equanimity, realizing that the actions of other people are beyond your control, which means that you should not torment yourself because of them.
