Table of contents:

10 signs that you are addicted
10 signs that you are addicted

This checklist will help you understand that an innocent habit has grown into a problem.

10 signs that you are addicted
10 signs that you are addicted

How to recognize addiction

Dependency is always formed according to the same pattern. A person performs an action that is pleasant for him or uses a psychoactive substance. In response, the brain releases the neurotransmitter dopamine in the nucleus accumbens - or the pleasure center. It creates euphoria, improves mood and motivation. When the action of dopamine ends, the person either returns to normal life or decides to repeat the action. If he chooses the second path every time, then over time he may develop an addiction.

Here are 10 signs that can help you recognize an unhealthy relationship with habitual pleasure sources like alcohol or cigarettes.

1. Your social circle has changed

You rarely see your old friends: either you don't have time for them, or you are bored with them. You are looking for new acquaintances with the same habits. They have something to do with them, and they do not reproach you for anything.

2. All thoughts and conversations you have only about one thing

You talk and think about the subject of your pleasure more often than is appropriate. You fixated on it, and left your previous interests. More pressing problems, such as domestic or work problems, do not seem significant.

3. You feel bad if you do not do what you love

Far from the source of pleasure, you are uncomfortable: you experience anxiety, anxiety, fear. You may feel distracted, unable to think. To get back to normal, you need to quickly return to your "favorite business."

4. You get angry when you are forbidden to use

Or when you are criticized for it. In response, you snap back, make excuses for yourself, whine or laugh it off. After all, your habit is not a problem, but a way to relax. So what?

5. You spend too much money on your addiction

The refrigerator is empty, the apartment bills are not paid, but your habit is always with you.

6. You are ready to do anything to achieve the state you need

If necessary, you will go to the other side of the city at two in the morning, skip work, go to steal, lie. There are no risks.

7. You stopped reckoning with the opinions of others

At home, you can get scandals, at work you can threaten with dismissal. But it doesn't make any difference. You continue to follow your habit and you will defend your right to do so.

8. You cannot live a day without a source of pleasure

And sometimes hours. Here's what the psychologist said:


Evgeny Idzikovsky psychologist

Pick the questionable habit you want to test. Throw a coin in the morning. If an eagle, then for this day you completely give up this addiction. Tails - you live as before. If you feel anxious before the procedure and upset when you see an eagle, then you are clearly addicted.

9. You don't feel well and look bad

You may not sleep well or forget to eat. You feel tired, beaten. The head may hurt. You don't have time to lead a healthy lifestyle, and this affects your appearance and well-being.

10. Your life is subject to a new routine

The day begins with a favorite habit, passes under its slogan and ends with it. If, for some reason, the routine is disrupted and you are not allowed to return to the source of pleasure, you will feel emptiness or irritation within yourself.

How to get rid of addiction

The psychologist advises first to acknowledge the problem.


Elena Solovyova psychologist

The main difficulty in treating addiction is a person's denial of their illness. Therefore, the first step to healing is to admit that there is a problem. This step is very difficult, because addicts tend to blame anyone for their misfortunes, but not themselves.

After realizing the problem, write what your life would look like if you never had an addiction. What would you do? Hang the description sheet in a prominent place: it will remind you of a better life.

When you do decide to quit, quit once and for all, without compromise. If, deep down, you dream of someday returning to the habit, then you are not fully aware of the problem. The struggle with yourself will continue, and you will inevitably return to your old way of life.

Most importantly, cut back on those who don't support your desire to be better. Such people will inevitably pull you back, and it is in your best interest to change.
