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9 signs you have a thyroid disorder
9 signs you have a thyroid disorder

Symptoms that you don't pay attention to can be life-threatening.

9 signs you have a thyroid disorder
9 signs you have a thyroid disorder

The thyroid gland is an organ located on the front of the neck and is shaped like a butterfly. It affects the nervous system, digestion, bone tissue and the reproductive system.

The gland secretes three types of hormones. And when the synthesis of at least one of them is disrupted, painful changes occur in the usual work of the body - failures. They can happen for a variety of reasons: medication, viral infections, a weakened immune system, iodine deficiency, pregnancy and postpartum conditions. It also happens that people are immediately born with a weak thyroid gland.

A malfunction is considered to be both low hormone production and high. And if the problem is not solved, it can lead to heart disease, difficulties with pregnancy and childbirth, miscarriages, and in some cases, coma.

Moreover, sometimes even mild symptoms can signal a serious failure. But there is always a chance to prevent the disease and even save your life by paying attention to the following points in time.

1. Weight change

This is the first reason doctors pay attention. A person loses weight dramatically when the level of hormones becomes above normal. Moreover, the weight will continue to decline, even if you eat more than usual - changing the diet in this case will not affect anything.

The lowered level of hormones, on the contrary, leads to extra pounds. Metabolism slows down and the body stores calories in the form of body fat. At the same time, it will not be possible to lose weight with the help of diet and fitness: it will be possible to return to shape only after treatment, when the hormonal background returns to normal.

2. Deterioration of mood

Hormones regulate the nervous system, so our mood is directly dependent on their level. Signs of impairment can include apathy, emotional excitability, anxiety, panic attacks, tearfulness, or aggressive behavior.

Ivan Dedov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, notes that many patients try to ignore their bad mood and continue to lead an active lifestyle. But if the problem is not addressed, it can lead to personality and mental disorders.

Changes in yourself are not easy to notice. They are often attributed to fatigue after work, everyday stress and difficulties in life. Monitor your mood: if it deteriorates for no apparent reason and nothing brings joy for several days, this is a good reason to see a psychotherapist.

3. Discomfort in the neck

If your neck swells and grows in size, it becomes difficult to breathe and painful to swallow, and your voice becomes hoarse, most likely you have an enlarged thyroid gland or seals in the form of balls - nodules in it.

An enlarged thyroid is sometimes also called a goiter. It goes away after the course of treatment, when the level of hormones returns to normal. But neck discomfort can also be a sign of thyroid cancer. Therefore, if you experience discomfort, immediately consult a doctor.

4. Brittle hair and nails

Hair and nails are especially vulnerable to hormonal imbalances. Therefore, when a failure occurs, they become thin and weak and begin to break and fall out easily. And this applies not only to the hair on the head, but also to the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Severe hair loss can lead to baldness. But usually the hairline is restored as soon as the hormone levels return to normal.

5. Menstrual irregularities

In women, this is one of the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Irregular menstruation, scanty and rare discharge, shortening of the cycle, or, conversely, too frequent bleeding are considered a violation. Painful periods can also indicate thyroid problems. Especially if there was no pain before.

A single case may arise due to a minor malfunction against the background of stress or overwork, but even in this situation, it is worth going to the doctor right away. It is better not to delay a visit to a specialist, because endocrine diseases increase the risk of infertility and complications during pregnancy.

6. Changes in body temperature

Hormonal disruption interferes with the body's ability to regulate temperature. Patients note that being in the same room with other people, they may freeze, although others are warm or hot. On the other hand, some patients feel intense fever. The more hormones the thyroid gland produces, the higher the body temperature.

For some people, their normal body temperature may be slightly lower or higher than normal. There is nothing wrong with that. But if your temperature changes dramatically and over time differs from normal, there is a high risk of hormonal imbalance.

7. Dry skin

Dryness and irritation can be a sign of various diseases - psoriasis, ichthyosis, fungus, allergies, liver failure and mental disorders.

But if you find other signs of thyroid disease, dry skin will be an additional signal. Peeling is especially pronounced on the elbows and knees, as the skin becomes more sensitive to external influences. Rash, irritation, inflammation appear.

8. Stool problems

Thyroid hormones also regulate the digestive system. They control the metabolism and the functioning of the digestive tract.

Failures lead to weakening of the muscles that compress the colon, causing them to stop moving stools. Hence constipation, diarrhea and soreness. Diarrhea, in turn, triggers weight loss, so the two often appear together.

9. Change in heart rate

An increased or slower heart rate can also be a sign of endocrine disease. Blood pressure changes - it rises or falls sharply. You may notice that even mild physical activity causes shortness of breath and an increased heart rate.

Without medical supervision, this symptom can provoke tachycardia and heart failure. Therefore, it is better not to delay the visit to the cardiologist and endocrinologist.
