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20 life truths that everyone should remember
20 life truths that everyone should remember

In the hectic pace of life, it's easy to get lost and not notice how values and goals have changed. These attitudes will remind you of what really matters.

20 life truths that everyone should remember
20 life truths that everyone should remember

UPD. Text updated on August 26, 2019.

1. Life is precious

Until you like life, it passes, so do not wait for ideal conditions and appreciate what you have. Yes, we have things to do, obligations to others, problems and concerns, but this is not a reason to deny ourselves joy. Do not forget to periodically return to the present and realize that you are alive, and life, despite all the troubles, is beautiful. Appreciate every moment.

2. All people make mistakes

Forgive the wrongs of yourself and others. People make mistakes all the time, no matter what position they hold and what burden of responsibility they bear. It's just part of the life of any of us.

If suddenly the airline lost your luggage or a bank employee wrote down your last name incorrectly, do not get angry and make a scandal. Ask to correct the situation, but be understanding of the misconduct of others. So you will save yourself and others' nerves and will not bring even more negativity into this world.

Also, remember to forgive yourself for mistakes. Your mistakes are already in the past. Learn from missteps, but do not worry about them: it is a waste of energy.

3. Health is not a joke

Your body copes with most of the problems without your participation. Nevertheless, it depends on you how many years it can survive without serious failures. Eat healthy food, be active, don't sit in one place for too long, take care of your teeth. Get enough sleep every day, and by no means put work above your wellness.

Remember: living a healthy lifestyle is much cheaper than getting medical treatment.

4. Close people are more important than work

Health isn't the only thing that shouldn't be sacrificed for work. It's easy to convince yourself that work is the most important thing. He brings money, without which you can not live. Many people do not stop working even after they come home: they constantly think about business, solve issues by phone and e-mail.

Work activity is certainly important, but the time spent with loved ones is much more valuable. Friends, relatives and loved ones will not always be there. Visit your parents, meet friends, devote evenings to children. Enjoy and appreciate these moments.

5. Time is your main resource

Life values: time is your main resource
Life values: time is your main resource

You have about 70 years to complete your plans and leave a mark on this world. Moreover, in the last 20 years of them, it will become much more difficult to learn new things, travel long distances and endure abrupt changes in living conditions.

So don't waste your time. If you want to achieve something - move towards the goal, if you want to do something - do it. Live the way you want, not your relatives, friends, or anyone else. Don't waste years on an activity you don't like, even if it pays well. You can earn money, but you cannot return the time spent.

6. The opinion of others does not mean anything

Too often, we attach importance to what others think of us. But no matter how important someone's role in your life may seem, they are just people just like you. They, too, do stupid things from time to time and behave strangely. And their opinion means absolutely nothing.

Forget about shame and fear: if you do not do anything illegal and do not objectively harm others, then their thoughts should not bother you. Your peace of mind and harmony with yourself is much more important.

7. Almost any problem can be solved

Everyone becomes obsessed with problems at some point. You lost your favorite umbrella, something started to crack in the car, and your boss constantly makes comments at work. Sometimes it seems that troubles are all that life consists of. Unfortunately, many only on their deathbed realize that no problem was worth worrying about.

Almost all troubles can be overcome. An umbrella - to buy, a car - to fix, and a job - to change. But it is impossible to regain energy and time spent in a depressed state.

8. Honesty is the main condition for harmony

Coming up with a reason not to go to a party, lying to your boss if you're late, or expressing your admiration for a gift you don't really like seems to be something ordinary, harmless.

But when you deceive yourself or others, you fall into disharmony with yourself and the world around you. If your thoughts, words and actions contradict each other, then integrity disappears from life. Disagreement appears, and the personality, as it were, breaks up into several parts that cannot agree. One part wants to tell the truth, the other wants to deceive in order to make life easier for itself, and the third part wants to embellish reality in order to present itself in the best light.

Being honest is not easy; you can accidentally hurt someone or get reprimanded at work. But in the end, such behavior will help you become better, more responsible for tasks, with more attention - to the feelings of family and friends. And being honest with yourself - admitting your mistakes and shortcomings - will help you become the person you want to be.

9. Happiness is a choice

Sometimes it seems that happiness is some kind of special state that can be earned by hard work, impeccable solutions to everyday problems and heroic dedication. In fact, you don't need special conditions to experience it. You can be happy at any moment in your life, you just need to allow yourself it. You are worthy of this feeling simply because you are.

Happiness cannot be reached because it depends on your inner state. You don't need to fight for it, you don't need to earn it. You just need to allow yourself to be happy.

10. Fears only get in the way

Life values: fears only get in the way
Life values: fears only get in the way

Every person is afraid of something: dismissal, loss of loved ones, health problems. Feeling fear is natural, but not necessary. By giving in to it, we lose a lot. We work late because we are afraid of losing our position. We don't allow ourselves to really relax on the weekend because we are afraid of not achieving something. We try to constantly control the children, because we worry about them.

Fears that are not associated with a direct threat to life and health greatly interfere with a harmonious and happy life. Get rid of them. Do things that scare you. Step into the unknown. Better to try and be wrong than to regret not trying.

11. Things are just things

People often worry about trifles, including material things. The new T-shirt got dirty, a scratch appeared on the smartphone, the child painted the door to the room - there can be many reasons for frustration.

Do not do like this. Material things are transitory. They are certainly not worth your energy and nerves. Instead of giving too much importance to subjects, focus on your well-being and relationships with loved ones. This makes much more sense.

12. Everyone needs support

Everyone wants to hear from time to time that everything will be fine. Don't be afraid to ask for support. Admitting that it is difficult and bad for you is a sign of strength. And to pretend to be a terminator who doesn't need anyone, on the contrary, is an indicator of weakness.

And don't hesitate to support others. Especially for those who seem incredibly self-sufficient. Most likely, such people need help the most. A simple compliment to a person's ability or an encouraging phrase can work wonders.

13. It all depends on your point of view

You've probably heard phrases like "We are not like that, life is like this" or "This world is cruel." Many people believe that life is full of dangers and in it you constantly need to struggle with something, achieve something and overtake someone. In reality, it is incredibly versatile. Every second there are thousands of events of different scales, each of which can be viewed from different angles.

Let's say you left your favorite hat on the subway. On the one hand, it is sad to lose a thing dear to my heart. On the other hand, this is a great excuse to go to the store to buy yourself a new one. Surely it will be even better, and shopping will cheer up.

What your life consists of depends only on what you focus your attention on and how you perceive it.

To stop the world from being cruel, you just need to stop focusing on the bad.

14. Self-love and selfishness are not the same thing

Loving yourself is a prerequisite for a happy life. Some do not allow themselves this, because they believe that self-love is tantamount to selfishness. In fact, these are two different things. Selfishness is a behavior in which a person puts his own interests above the interests of others. And self-love assumes that he does not reproach himself for mistakes, praises himself for achievements and takes care of himself.

Go over the heads, climb ahead of the line and use people for their own purposes - this is the prerogative of the egoist. A self-loving person, on the contrary, will be honest, open and merciful, because he does not need to solve his problems at the expense of others.

15. The less expectations you have, the less disappointment you will become

All people make mistakes, which means that you should not expect ideal behavior from anyone. However, many do just that, and then become disillusioned with people. It is much more logical not to wait for anything at all. Then the misconduct of others will not surprise or hurt you, because this is normal human behavior. And manifestations of good manners and respect, on the contrary, will start to please.

16. Everyone has different tastes

Life values: everyone has different tastes
Life values: everyone has different tastes

There are no objective ways to judge whether a piece of art is good or bad. As well as there are no objective criteria of what to classify as art and what not. It all depends on the tastes of a particular person, and they are formed on the basis of a huge number of factors: upbringing, character, habits, complexes, environment.

So all the debate on the Internet about which movie, album or book is better or worse is absolutely meaningless. If a person says that a movie that you personally do not like is a masterpiece, then he does not attack you or your tastes, but simply expresses an opinion. You can agree with his statement or not, the main thing is to remember that the truth in this matter cannot exist, and your tastes do not need protection. We all love different things, and that's great.

17. Changes are needed

To move forward, you need to change something. It happens that change scares us, but these fears cannot be succumbed to. Only over time can one evaluate whether the changes were positive or not, and decide whether to return to past conditions.

At the same time, you should not even be afraid of negative changes. They are useful too: they force us to think differently, to reflect on our values and goals in life, sometimes they motivate us to work harder or take better care of ourselves.

18. Condemnation poisons life

You are probably familiar with this situation: someone at work does something stupid, and others discuss this person with other colleagues. This is a normal mechanism: when we are not confident enough in ourselves, belittling others makes us feel better.

However, this should not be done. Judging others worsens your quality of life, makes you addicted to other people's failures. Not to mention, it's just humanly wrong to discuss someone behind his back. Don't be fooled by the "everyone does it" argument. Everyone is doing it in vain. Your life will be calmer without judgment.

19. Not everything has to be perfect

Cinema, literature, advertising create an image of an ideal world for us. All families in it are happy, people are breathtakingly beautiful, heroes are strong and wise, and relationships are endlessly romantic. Unfortunately, this is not the case in reality. Most families suffer from the same problems, people are full of flaws, and relationships are full of misunderstandings and conflicts.

But this is what makes the world interesting. Disadvantages make things, events and people alive and give us the opportunity to learn valuable lessons in order to become better.

We are not characters in films or books, but heroes of our own stories, which are much more valuable than fictional ones, because they actually happen.

20. Being a good person is free

Anyone is pleased to be helped or treated with respect. But at the same time, few people try to behave in the same way with others. It's a pity, because everyone benefits from such behavior. If you do good, forgive people for mistakes, keep calm in a conflict situation, then you make yourself and the world around you better.

With care, this behavior simply has no downsides. You become happier when you give love and warmth to others, begin to feel better, and experience more joy. And most importantly, it's completely free. So why not start now?
