Unpretentious and spectacular plants for home and office
Unpretentious and spectacular plants for home and office

Several plants that can survive with minimal maintenance and are most responsive to the slightest manifestation of care. And these are not cacti!

Unpretentious and spectacular plants for home and office
Unpretentious and spectacular plants for home and office

Indoor plants create a pleasant indoor atmosphere, pleasing to the eye, helping to concentrate and purifying the air. It is only important to choose them correctly! In order not to reproach yourself for another dead flower, try to settle plants in the apartment that will steadfastly survive with you a difficult period in life and will certainly thank you when you remember about them.


Serres Fortier / Flickr.com
Serres Fortier / Flickr.com

A perennial herb with green or white-green narrow leaves and hanging airy whiskers, on which miniature young plants appear after flowering. With seeming simplicity, it looks very impressive. It grows in any soil, in a pot of any size, in the sun and in the shade, in a cold or warm room, almost anywhere. If you do not water for a month, it will fade, grow dull, sag, but will not die. It is very responsive to regular watering, it quickly grows into a huge bush. Perfectly cleans the air from toxins.

Sansevieria, or pike tail

Sansevieria, or pike tail
Sansevieria, or pike tail

Perennial succulent plant. Erect lanceolate or linear leaves ranging in length from a few centimeters to one and a half meters are usually collected in a basal rosette. A wide variety of varieties with foliage color from dark green to almost white, as well as variegated forms.

It grows well both on the southern window and in a semi-dark corner, but on a sunny window the leaves will be brighter. You can transplant once every few years, when the sansevieria literally ceases to fit in the pot.

Sansevieria does not suffer from dry air, it does not need to be sprayed. The only requirement for the soil is good drainage (at least one third of the pot size). Cold drafts of sansevieria are not terrible. It is necessary to water rarely: a reserve of moisture is retained in dense, leathery leaves. In winter, the plant can not be watered at all: growth will stop, until spring comes sansevieria will rest.



Decorative liana with heart-shaped variegated leaves. Epipremnum is shade-tolerant, but with a strong lack of light, the variegated leaves become completely green and shrink. Undemanding to the soil, tolerates sparse watering. Does not tolerate low temperatures (below 15 degrees) and drafts. For greater decorativeness, it is better to plant several cuttings in one pot or lay a grown liana on the ground with a ringlet: thanks to the aerial roots, epipremnum will easily take root and release several new shoots. Thanks to the same roots, it easily climbs the walls. Cleans the air from formaldehyde and xylene.

Hoya carnosa, or wax ivy

Hoya carnosa, or wax ivy
Hoya carnosa, or wax ivy

Ampel liana with dense leathery leaves and shoots up to 6-7 meters. It grows both on the south window and in the north room. It easily tolerates rare watering, but is afraid of waterlogging of the soil, so good drainage is required. Wax ivy is transplanted very rarely, when there is absolutely no room in the pot. Under favorable conditions (bright diffused light) blooms profusely. Fragrant, star-shaped flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

Crassula, or money tree, fat woman

Crassula, or money tree, fat woman
Crassula, or money tree, fat woman

A small tree up to one and a half meters tall with branched shoots and fleshy rounded dark green leaves. Like all succulents, the money tree loves bright sunlight and loose, permeable soil. Easily tolerates sparse watering and dry air. With a lack of light, the shoots stretch out, the leaves become small. Afraid of waterlogging. If in doubt if watering is needed, do not water! The root system of the bastard is small, a shallow pot is required, a transplant - when the green mass threatens to outweigh and overturn the pot.



Ampel herb, familiar to everyone from childhood. There are up to 70 types of the most varied colors. It grows both in warm and cool rooms, in well-lit and shaded places, but in poor lighting the leaves lose their brightness. Compared to the rest of the plants in this article, it grows at a really breakneck speed, but that is why it quickly loses its decorative effect: the lower leaves die off, exposing the shoots. From time to time, you need to pinch, and it is best to renew the plant once a year: tear off the tops of the shoots and stick them into damp ground.

Monstera deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa
Monstera deliciosa

Fast-growing liana with large (up to 45 cm) carved leaves. Not capricious, but prefers a bright place and periodic spraying. Loves abundant watering. With a lack of water and light, the leaves become smaller, lose their variegated color and cuts. It occupies an area of up to two square meters, at home it grows up to five meters in length, so it is better to immediately find a suitable place for it, where it will not interfere with anyone.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina
Ficus benjamina

A tree with flexible branches and small glossy leaves, rich green or variegated in color. Perhaps, of all the plants listed in the article, it is the most demanding in terms of keeping conditions, but is not inferior to the rest in vitality. Loves spraying, regular watering, diffused bright light and temperatures in the range of 17-22 degrees, but is willing to make compromises. Sometimes watering and the right temperature is enough. When moving to a new place or errors in care, it can shed the leaves, but it will definitely grow them again.

In fact, many plants can be quite unpretentious if their needs match the microclimate of your apartment or office.
