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7 ways to manage your attention
7 ways to manage your attention

Attention management is more important than any time management trick. It will help you work more productively and be happier.

7 ways to manage your attention
7 ways to manage your attention

1. Think of attention as money

Imagine that your attention is money. You have a limited amount of this currency. During the day, you can spend it on "expensive" and "inexpensive" tasks. Serious work, reading, and things that matter to you require more attention units but cost less. Little things like flipping through social media require less attention but are more expensive. This is the paradox of attention.

2. Don't start your day with electronic devices

Many people go to social networks in the morning and read the news. This damages your ability to concentrate. It is best to start your day by reading a book or writing in a journal. No one has changed the world by checking email yet, so why are you wasting so much time on it?

3. Focus on the tasks that are of the most value to you

On the way to any goal, there are several tasks that are most important for success. If you neglect them and do other things, you will feel busy, but productivity will suffer.

Productivity is not how much time you spent on something, but how you spent it. And this just depends on the ability to control your attention.

4. Give up multitasking

It hurts both productivity and the ability to work with concentration. Don't rely on willpower alone. If you have ten tabs open in your browser, some kind of notifications are constantly coming, and there is a phone next to you, you yourself doom yourself to failure.

Try to concentrate on one thing for at least an hour. You can accomplish more in this time than in a full-time job, when you constantly switch from one to the other.

5. Don't forget to rest

More often than not, even when we take a break, we are not really resting. If you are outside but have been on Twitter all the time, this walk is of little use. If you went out into nature, but only took photos and posted them on Instagram, you are not rested.

Relaxing and resting is essential. Also, while you are resting, your brain continues to work. Therefore, solutions to problems and ingenious thoughts often come when you shower or walk in the park.

6. Make plans for the next day in the evening

This will help you avoid decision fatigue and will not waste your willpower on trifles. It is usually easier to concentrate in the morning, so it is better to spend this time on something important. Plan everything in the evening, prepare everything you need to get started right away in the morning.

7. Know what matters most to you

Say no to anything that doesn't align with your top priorities. Define them and structure your day around them, focusing on them.
