Table of contents:

9 human superpowers you never knew existed
9 human superpowers you never knew existed

The truth is, being an X-Men representative isn't always great.

9 human superpowers you never knew existed
9 human superpowers you never knew existed

1. Super taste

Super taste
Super taste

This superpower occurs quite often - in every fourth person on the planet. People with a super taste,, feel the characteristics of dishes more vividly: sweet ones seem to them sweeter, salty ones - saltier and so on. Moreover, most often this feature is possessed by women and residents of Asia, Africa and South America.

But if you are endowed with super taste, it will not be an advantage for a career as a chef. Owners of this ability find many ordinary dishes, especially vegetable ones, unpleasant to the taste. They can also abuse salt and sugar to disguise the bitterness in food that they feel more strongly than other people.

2. Supervision


Ordinary people have trichromatic vision - that is, there are three types of light-sensitive receptors in the eyes. But in the world there are also owners of four types of cones - this phenomenon is called tetrachromacy. While most people only see 1 million shades, tetrachromats can distinguish up to 100 million.

This feature is more often manifested, in women. 12% of them are tetrachromats, but only 2-3% have enhanced color perception. Among men, only 8% have four types of cones, but their ability to see shades does not seem to differ from other people.

Tetrachromacy does not give special advantages to people, but finches, for example, need it to look for food and mating partners. And also the study of tetrachromacy can help in the cure of color blindness.

3. Hyperelastic skin

Human superpowers: hyperelastic skin
Human superpowers: hyperelastic skin

Remember Elastica from The Incredibles, which could stretch like bubble gum? In reality, such people also exist. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a genetic disorder of the connective tissues caused by defects in collagen synthesis that affects the joints and skin.

It allows its owner to stretch the skin and bend in a way that no gymnast from among ordinary people dreamed of.

True, the harm from the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or imperfect desmogenesis, is incomparably greater: people with it are more likely to be injured, their wounds do not heal properly, and the skin is constantly bruised and damaged.

4. Echolocation

Human superpowers: echolocation
Human superpowers: echolocation

People who have lost their sight develop other senses in themselves in order to somehow compensate for their blindness. For example, humans also have echolocation, which is used by bats and whales, albeit not so advanced.

By tapping with their cane, tapping their feet, or snapping their toes, people who have been trained to navigate with echolocation pick up the reflected sound waves and thus determine the location and size of surrounding objects.

Of course, performing flips and crushing the skulls of bandits, like Daredevil from the Marvel comics, will not work, but, for example, riding a bike is fine.

5. Insensitivity to pain

Human superpowers: insensitivity to pain
Human superpowers: insensitivity to pain

There are people in the world who do not feel pain at all! True, if you think that such people can make ideal soldiers or athletes, then you are wrong.

Anhidrosis neuropathy is a disease that is caused by a genetic mutation. The latter prevents the formation of nerve cells responsible for transmitting pain, heat and cold signals.

Those who suffer from this disease have to live very carefully, because due to the lack of pain, they can easily injure themselves, for example, pulling on a shoe.

6. Eternal youth

Human superpowers: eternal youth
Human superpowers: eternal youth

Brooke Megan Greenberg lived only 20 years. And all this time she remained at the level of a two-year-old child - both externally and mentally. Scientists do not know what this disease is, so it was called "syndrome X" (or neotenic complex syndrome).

In addition to Greenberg, two more cases of such ailment are known in the world. They are little girl Gabrielle Kay from Montana and middle-aged man Nikki Freeman from Australia who looks like a 10-year-old child.

7. Extra strong bones

Human superpowers: super-strong bones
Human superpowers: super-strong bones

If you've watched the Fast and the Furious movie series, you know that Vin Diesel's Dominic Toretto is invulnerable. He can crash his Dodge into another car, blowing his own car to shreds, and then calmly get out from behind the wheel and go about business as if nothing had happened.

If an ordinary mortal were in such a situation, only a wet place would be left of him, and at least henna for a bald man.

Do you think this is an artistic assumption? But people like Toretto also exist in reality. True, there seem to be no bank robbers and street racers among them.

It's all about a mutation in the LRP5 gene, which leads to the fact that human bones become incredibly strong. This phenomenon was first discovered when an X-ray was taken of a guy who had an accident. Despite the fact that his car was smashed to smithereens, the driver was not injured. The bones of a man turned out to be at least eight times stronger than ordinary ones! His relatives were found to have the same "superpower".

True, this mutation at the same time increases the chance of earning polycystic liver disease.

8. Lack of prints

Human superpowers: no prints
Human superpowers: no prints

In the movie "Kingsman: The Golden Ring," the leader of a criminal organization erased her henchmen's fingerprints so that they could not be identified. But in the real world there are people who do not need any laser manipulation.

Adermatoglyphia is a rare genetic mutation in which a person has no fingerprints. The skin is perfectly smooth with it - it is extremely difficult to recognize the traces of touching such a hand.

The mutation was first discovered in a Swiss woman who traveled to the United States. They could not let her in - according to the law, all non-residents of the United States must be fingerprinted.

9. Unwillingness to sleep

Human superpowers: unwillingness to sleep
Human superpowers: unwillingness to sleep

Many believe that Batman, or Bruce Wayne, does not have superpowers. This is not so, because otherwise how could this rich man survive without sleep, managing the affairs of his company during the day and beating the crap out of criminals at night?

He probably has a mutation in the hDEC2 gene. People with her feel vigorous and slept, although they can sleep no more than four hours a day. Just imagine: 20 hours for great accomplishments!
