Table of contents:

50 tips for being productive
50 tips for being productive

Good old-fashioned tricks and unexpected tricks that will help direct your energy to important things.

50 tips for being productive
50 tips for being productive

Manage time and tasks

1. Slow down the time

We usually take 12 to 15 breaths per minute. If you breathe deeper, you can "slow down" the perception of time a little. To do this, inhale using the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Take 7-9 such deep breaths at the start of your day, before tackling a difficult task, or when you are nervous.

2. Carefully check the work so that you do not redo it later

Remember the adage "Measure seven times, cut once"? It is better to double check that you did everything correctly than to waste time correcting mistakes later.

3. Watch less TV

If we add up all the time we spend on films, TV shows and other programs, we get years. But it still takes time to choose what to see, and then discuss what he saw. Better spend it on something useful.

4. Wake up earlier

This will give you more time before work. You can calmly answer letters and or take time for yourself: read and play sports.

5. Keep a time diary

Track what you spend it on over the course of several months. You will notice when time is wasted and when you are particularly productive.

6. Make good use of your waiting time

While you're in line, you can read an article you didn't have enough time for, sort through your mail, or jot down a draft of an important document.

7. Don't keep everything in your head

Write down a to-do list, shopping list, or creative ideas so that thoughts don't distract you from your work. Trying to keep them in your head will create unnecessary stress for yourself.

8. Take a little time once to save in the future

This rule can be applied to everything. When, do twice as many servings and freeze half. For the next few evenings, you will no longer have to cook and wash unnecessary dishes. Wipe down the sink and shower stall after each use to avoid spending half an hour cleaning them thoroughly on weekends.

9. Make decisions faster

The time it takes to hesitate and weigh all the pros and cons can be spent on something really important. So make a decision and move on.

10. Manage your to-do list

We usually only cross out what we have done. But sometimes you need to cross out what you definitely will not have time to do, otherwise the list will grow and put pressure on you.

11. Group similar tasks

For example, set aside one day for cleaning and other household chores. One day for meetings, another day for content creation.

12. Don't write long messages

Keep them succinct: most of the messages can be contained in five sentences.

13. Exclude something from the schedule

Chances are, you've already taken on too many things. Look at your calendar and think about what you can give up. For example, doing things that don't help, take too much energy, or no longer fit into your life.

14. Give up multitasking

When you switch from one activity to another, you work slower and get more tired. Pick one task and focus on it.

Try productivity techniques

15. Master the Pomodoro Technique

Work in 25 minute chunks, then take a five minute break. During work, try not to be distracted by anything, and during breaks, try to rest and not look at the phone.

16. Use the chaining method

Cross out the dates on the calendar when you managed to accomplish everything planned or complete a large task. In a few days, you will have a chain that you don't want to break.

17. Take note of the two minute rule

If a task can be completed in two minutes or less, do it and don't postpone it. This rule is used by the founder of the system, David Allen.

18. Introduce the "I must, must, want" method into a habit

Ask yourself three questions every morning. What must I do to make the most of my contribution today? What should I do to improve my future? What do I want to do to enjoy today?

19. Try to enter flight mode

Imagine that you are on an airplane and turn off the internet so that you are not distracted by anything. An hour of in-depth work can do more than 2-3 ordinary hours.

20. Consider ultradian beats

These are the body's natural biorhythms that repeat every 90โ€“120 minutes. Keep track of yours to figure out when to schedule difficult tasks and when to take a break.

21. Arrange days without meetings

Start one day a week, during which you will not be distracted by meetings, but will do only your main work. If you do not personally have authority, suggest this idea to your boss.

22. Carry out a Sunday check

Check with your team to make sure everything is ready by Monday. Or arrange a quick test for yourself. Make sure you have a plan for the week and you haven't forgotten anything.

Help yourself concentrate

23. Turn off notifications

While you are working on an important task, do not be distracted by mail and. Take a separate time to review and reply to messages.

24. Consider distractions

This is inevitable, so leave some space in your schedule so you don't get nervous later.

25. Move the deadline

If you think it will take an hour to complete a task, set yourself a deadline in 40 minutes. You will have to work faster, which means that you will definitely not be distracted by extraneous things.

26. Make a to-do list while procrastinating

For example, cleaning the desk, sorting through documents, reading about the news in your professional field.

27. Make a list of what not to do

Introduce time-consuming and non-productive ones. Keep this list in front of your eyes so as not to succumb to them.

28. Use a password manager

Then you do not have to waste time painfully remembering the password for a rarely used mailbox or recovering data to enter the site.


29. Go in for sports

This will strengthen your physical health and charge you with a good mood. Try getting up a little earlier and going for a run or yoga.

30. Eat right

Avoid fast food, sweets, etc. They only provide a burst of energy for a short time. Choose foods that are high in fiber and combine fast carbohydrates with slow ones.

31. Calculate Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine takes effect about 40 minutes after ingestion. So do not drink coffee or tea at the moment when you start the task, but in advance.

32. Meditate

It is relaxing and helps to develop concentration skills. Start with the simplest option - close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

33. Maintain a suitable room temperature

If you are too hot or too cold, you will not be able to work effectively. For most people, the most comfortable temperature is 21โ€“22 โ„ƒ.

Tune in correctly

34. Determine the desired outcome in advance

Before calling someone or starting a task, think about what you want to accomplish with this action. Then assess whether you have succeeded in achieving the desired result. If not, consider what went wrong and how to fix it.

35. Develop a Growth Mindset

Trust that you can develop the necessary skills and become better if you put in the effort. See all difficulties as opportunities to learn new things. That's what it is.

36. At the end of one week, prepare for the next

Parse your mail and try to close any outstanding issues. Clean up your desktop. Review your calendar and to-do list for the next week. Perhaps something can be eliminated and replaced with activities that you have been putting off for a long time.

37. Keep a gratitude journal

Each evening, write down three things that you were grateful for today. It helps to see more opportunities and positives in life. If three things are missing, describe one thing in more detail.

38. Learn to say no

Many find it difficult to give up new responsibilities, but there comes a time when it is simply necessary. Otherwise, you will drive yourself to burnout.

39. Give yourself time to relax

For example, make it a habit to turn off your phone on weekends and not answer work messages in the evening. Sometimes you need to forget about everything that is connected with business, and just recharge.

40. Set process goals

These are the actions you need to take. For example, if you want to increase sales by 25%, your process goal is to call a certain number of leads per day.

41. Admit your mistakes and move on

Do not self-flagellate. Learn from the mistake a lesson so as not to repeat it in the future, and live on.

Organize your workflow and prioritize

42. Don't use too many apps

There are now tons of calendars, trackers, and other assistants to help you fight for productivity. And if you use them all at once, then, on the contrary, complicate your life. Therefore, limit yourself to a few of the most essential ones.

43. Share your calendar

This makes it easier to schedule meetings and not forget about joint deadlines. You can also make a family calendar, which will record general activities and household chores.

44. Plan no more than three important tasks for the day

Long to-do lists are ineffective: you simply won't have the strength to complete many big tasks in one day. Identify the three most important, and devote the rest of the time to smaller matters.

45. Keep a pen and paper handy

If a useful thought comes to mind while you work, just write it down and forget it for a while. Try to keep it in mind, you will get out of distraction.

46. Schedule travel and rest time

Don't plan things back to back. Almost always there are some kind of problems and emergencies. Consider this in your day plan.

47. Find a mentor

He can share tips that once helped him. And to warn against mistakes that await you on the way.

48. Don't get hung up on the whole task

Take small steps. Focus on what needs to be done first, then the next step, and so on. Otherwise, the amount of work will paralyze you and you will start.

49. Forget about perfectionism

There is no ideal. This is a product of our imagination, which simply cannot be translated into reality. Do the job well and get on with the next job.

50. Reward Yourself

Rewards for reaching a goal or passing an important milestone will increase motivation and simply improve your mood. The main thing is not to reward yourself with sweets - it is better to go for a relaxing massage.
