So that cleaning is not a burden, divide the apartment into several zones
So that cleaning is not a burden, divide the apartment into several zones

If you get annoyed and tired when trying to clean up your entire apartment in one go, try cleaning a little every day.

So that cleaning is not a burden, divide the apartment into several zones
So that cleaning is not a burden, divide the apartment into several zones
  • Divide the apartment into seven zones, depending on how much they usually get dirty … It should take you one hour or less to clean each area. If your bedroom is a complete mess, divide it into two zones, and combine the bathroom and toilet into one. The main thing is that you have time to remove one zone in an hour.
  • Distribute one zone for each day of the week … Over time, you will get into a rhythm, then each zone will take you less than an hour.
  • Try to carry out a complete cleaning of the apartment in seven days … Of course, if you have a large house, you will need more time. One full cleaning will then take not a week, but two or three. The main thing is that the cleaning schedule fits easily into your life.
  • Build a convenient cleaning schedule so that it is not difficult and tedious to adhere to.… For example, if you usually watch your favorite TV shows on Wednesdays, try cleaning your living room at the same time. So you combine business with pleasure. If you don't have the energy to clean the kitchen during the week, leave it until the weekend when you have more time.
