15 curious questions from different fields of knowledge to test erudition
15 curious questions from different fields of knowledge to test erudition

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15 curious questions from different fields of knowledge to test erudition
15 curious questions from different fields of knowledge to test erudition

– 1 –

“Shaggy bumblebee - for fragrant hops. A gray heron - in the reeds …”The music for this romance from the film by Eldar Ryazanov was written by the composer Andrei Petrov. Who was the author of the words?

Rudyard Kipling. The text of the romance is a translated and abridged version of the original poem The Gipsy Trail.

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– 2 –

Which automatic pistol did the phrase "Prepare for War" give its name to?

Parabellum. In Latin, the full version of the phrase sounds like this - Si vis pacem, para bellum. Translated, it means "If you want peace, prepare for war."

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– 3 –

Now this is the name of the popular newsreel, and earlier this word was called a mixture of various sweets.


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– 4 –

What did the famous Gordian knot, cut by Alexander the Great, tied?

Breather of a cart with a yoke. An ancient legend said that a person who can untangle this knot will become the ruler of all Asia. Macedonian solved the problem easier and faster.

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– 5 –

To whom did the poet Konstantin Simonov dedicated the poem "Wait for Me"?

Actress Valentina Serova. “Wait for Me has no special story. I just went to war, and the woman I loved was in the rear. And I wrote her a letter in verse … - assured the writer.

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– 6 –

What unique operation was performed by Professor Philip Philipovich and Doctor Ivan Arnoldovich?

An operation to transform a dog into a human. It is about the heroes of Mikhail Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" - Preobrazhensky and Bormental. They transplanted the human pituitary gland and testes to the dog.

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– 7 –

This is what the wife does while her husband chops the air with a sword if he is a Greek, or runs around with a club around the wagon and shouts: “Get out, devil!” If he is a Kalmyk.

Gives birth.

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– 8 –

The decree of Catherine I of 1726 forbade doing this during fistfights. The rule has become a proverb. Name it.

There are two correct answers: it was forbidden to splurge (participants in fist fights sometimes threw sand in the eyes of their rivals) and to beat a prone.

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– 9 –

In the film "Girls," Tosya, offended by the lumberjacks, assured that at the technical school she always received fives for this first course. Which?

Cabbage soup.

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– 10 –

Nicholas I's daughter Maria married the Duke of Leuchtenberg. Nicholas I agreed to the marriage on the condition that the spouses would not go abroad. I even donated this palace. Which?

Mariinsky. The palace is located in St. Petersburg and borders St. Isaac's Square from the south.

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– 11 –

The ancient Roman politician Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder ended all his speeches in the Senate with this slogan. Name it.

Carthage must be destroyed. In the Punic Wars, Rome fought against Carthage for dominance in the Mediterranean. The Romans feared an increase in the influence of this Phoenician state and persistently fought the enemy.

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– 12 –

The park in Havana is named after John Lennon. It was constantly stolen from the monument to the musician, until a watchman was placed next to it. What subject are we talking about?

About round glasses.

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– 13 –

In V. Dragunsky's story “He is alive and shines”, Deniska's friend offers in exchange for a toy dump truck these very treasures: “one Guatemala and two Barbados”. What is it?


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– 14 –

At a felting factory in the Belarusian village of Smilovichi, the employees who perform this work were nicknamed “matchmakers”. What exactly are they doing?

Pick up a pair of felt boots. Each felt boot is made individually, and matchmakers find a soul mate for them, put a number on the sole and fasten them together with threads.

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– 15 –

What is the name of a poem, the first letters of the lines of which form a word or phrase?

Acrostic. Here is an example of such a riddle poem by G. R. Derzhavin:

Rdressed from the flame, I ascend to heaven;

Ofrom there I return to the ground with water.

WITH the earth attracts me to the planets of all the prince to the stars;

A without me, the melancholy of flowers.

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