Table of contents:

20 useful Google Sheets templates for all occasions
20 useful Google Sheets templates for all occasions

For lovers to keep everything under control.

20 useful Google Sheets templates for all occasions
20 useful Google Sheets templates for all occasions

To use the table you like, open it by the link, then click "File" → "Create a copy".

1. Tracking weight and body parameters

Google Sheets: Weight and Shape Tracking Template
Google Sheets: Weight and Shape Tracking Template

If you want to lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight, this table will help you. It allows you to record any changes in your body - from the girth in the shoulders to the percentage of adipose tissue. After each entry, the table automatically calculates your progress.

2. Strength training

Google Sheets Strength Training Template
Google Sheets Strength Training Template

This table helps you keep track of your resistance training - two sessions per week (however, you can adjust it for yourself). Here you can track both your individual progress and the improvement in the performance of several people if you are working in a group.

3. Housework

Google Sheets: Housework Template
Google Sheets: Housework Template

If you find it difficult to distribute household responsibilities among household members and you constantly have arguments about who should have done what and when, this template will help you. It can indicate who is cleaning the kitchen, who is preparing breakfast, and who is working in the garden. Parents whose children do not shy away from housework can even assign them a monetary reward using the table.

4. Duty schedule

Google Sheets: Duty Schedule Template
Google Sheets: Duty Schedule Template

Another template to help assign chores to your household. It can be printed and hung on the refrigerator, and then no one will be able to refer to their forgetfulness.

5. To-do list

Google Sheets: To Do List Template
Google Sheets: To Do List Template

Those who think that all sorts of Wunderlist and Todoist are not worth the time to create an account with them can enter their affairs in this simple table, and then just cross them out as you go.

6. Diary

Google Sheets: Planner Template
Google Sheets: Planner Template

If the above to-do list seems too simple, this is a day planner for you. You can save it to Google Drive and view your scheduled tasks from any device. Well, or, if you wish, print and fill in by hand.

7. Travel budget

Google Sheets Travel Budget Template
Google Sheets Travel Budget Template

This calculator can calculate how much money you will spend on your trip - it doesn't matter if you are going to a nearby town for a couple of days or want to go around the world. The template will not only summarize the expenses for hotels, transport, food and excursions, but also display them in the form of a visual pie chart.

8. Travel itinerary

Google Sheets: Travel Itinerary Template
Google Sheets: Travel Itinerary Template

Another template to help travelers. With it, you can calculate which city and at what time you arrive and when you leave. A useful thing if you are planning a European tour, for example.

9. Calendar

Google Sheets: Calendar Template
Google Sheets: Calendar Template

A simple calendar, nothing more. It can be kept in a separate browser tab and scheduled events can be entered there. Or, if necessary, print and hang on the refrigerator. The template is designed so that the dates automatically change every year, so you don't have to worry about updating the digital version.

10. Personal and family budget

Google Sheets: Personal & Family Budget Template
Google Sheets: Personal & Family Budget Template

Two tables that will come in handy when planning a personal (if you live alone) or family budget. Fill in the data in the cells and see how much money you will have at the end of the billing period. This way you can find out which expenses are best cut to save the right amount.

11. Inventory list

Google Sheets: Inventory Template
Google Sheets: Inventory Template

This template is useful for those who need to know exactly what things and in what quantity are in his home. For example, if you rent out your home, you will definitely need an inventory list.

12. Savings calculator

Google Sheets Savings Calculator Template
Google Sheets Savings Calculator Template

Are you saving up money for a comfortable old age? Here is a template for calculating deferred funds. Enter your income and find out at what age you can quit your hateful job.

13. Party planning

Google Sheets Party Planning Template
Google Sheets Party Planning Template

With this template, you can easily track how many guests will come to you for cozy home gatherings or barbecues. What food will they bring, how much money will they invest, will they take their children with them … In general, everything that needs to be taken into account before throwing a long-awaited feast.

14. Car comparison

Google Sheets Car Comparison Template
Google Sheets Car Comparison Template

Buying a new car is a big step. Before choosing a four-wheeled horse, you need to compare all the available options and take into account their advantages and disadvantages. Fill in the table, indicating all the parameters of the compared machines, and you will be able to make the right decision.

15. Maintenance log

Google Sheets: Maintenance Log Template
Google Sheets: Maintenance Log Template

When the car has already been purchased, you may get the impression that the hardest part is over. Alas, the difficulties are just beginning, because the car needs to be looked after. This template will help you calculate the amount of expenses for the maintenance and repair of your car.

16. Mileage log

Google Sheets: Mileage Log Template
Google Sheets: Mileage Log Template

Enter the odometer readings, the number of liters filled in and their cost into the form and you can see the price of one kilometer of your car's mileage. Unfortunately, this template will not work for Tesla owners.

17. Contact list

Google Sheets: Contact List Template
Google Sheets: Contact List Template

Google Contacts is great, but sometimes you need an alternative place to store addresses. For example, you need to copy the work numbers of colleagues somewhere, which only take up space in the main Google account. Or build a customer base for cold calling. Here such a simple list of contacts will come to the rescue, the data in which can be sorted as you like by the built-in means of "Google Sheets".

18. Gantt chart

Google Sheets: Gantt Chart Template
Google Sheets: Gantt Chart Template

The Gantt chart is a popular type of bar chart (bar chart) that is used to illustrate the plan or schedule for a project. With this template, you will be able to draw up a detailed plan of actions and track their implementation.

19. Family tree

Google Sheets: Family Tree Template
Google Sheets: Family Tree Template

Studying your genealogy is quite fun. Sometimes it can even be useful - what if you have some kind of count in your family who accidentally had an inheritance lying around. But in most cases, building a family tree is just fun fun.

20. Utility bills

Google Sheets Utility Billing Template
Google Sheets Utility Billing Template

This table will be useful to you to calculate expenses for an apartment. Enter your rates for hot and cold water, sanitation, electricity and gas, and then enter the meter readings in the "Fact" column, and the template will show how much you need to pay this month.
