Table of contents:

Why mindfulness is more important than productivity
Why mindfulness is more important than productivity

The habit of always being busy and productive is the main source of dissatisfaction with life.

Why mindfulness is more important than productivity
Why mindfulness is more important than productivity

The pursuit of productivity is stressful

From childhood, we are taught that we will achieve our goal if we work harder. We are taught that working harder is always better. This belief is strengthened in adulthood. Employees who work around the clock are considered good and receive promotions.

In addition, social media creates a misconception about life in us. We see perfect photos on Instagram and forget that they are carefully selected and do not reflect reality at all.

Understand that being busy is your personal decision. Mindfulness is far more valuable than productivity and efficiency.

productivity paradox
productivity paradox

Stress levels are on the rise all over the world. Only in attempts to quickly remove it, we turn to the wrong methods. For example, recently "rooms of rage" have become popular. In them, for a certain amount, you can throw out negative emotions, destroying dishes and furniture. To do this, you will be given a sledgehammer or a baseball bat. The trend is alarming. People are so tense that they don't even hope for meditation, controlled breathing and mindfulness.

Better take a break. You will be energized and develop resilience to life's hardships.

For example:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Meditate.
  • Go in for sports.
  • Take up your favorite hobby.
  • Take your time for a cup of coffee.

The main thing is to find time to free consciousness from everything that has accumulated. And then consider the causes of stress.

Stress prevents us from living in the present

Being busy creates a vicious circle. Because of her, we constantly postpone what is important to us. For example, strengthen relationships or spend time with children. Putting things off for later is wasting our lives.

Productivity promises results in the future, but it doesn't make us feel in the present.

Writer Henry David Thoreau spoke about this paradox of productivity. He used his neighbor-farmer as an example: “He does nothing in a hurry and with displeasure, but on the contrary, as if with love. He enjoys his work and enjoys every task. He does not anticipate the sale of his harvest or any other material benefit, but receives a reward in constant satisfaction from his work."

It is not achievement that matters to excellence and productivity, but your attitude and personal contribution.
