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How to pass any exam
How to pass any exam

There are different exams, but there are general tips to help you prepare for most of them.

How to pass any exam
How to pass any exam

1. Find out the "scope of work"

This refers to the amount of knowledge required to pass the exam. No matter how big it is, it must at least be understood in order not to teach too much and focus on difficult moments.

2. Collect information about the teacher

Teachers are people too, and they love something, but they hate something. For example, I saw a sad picture at the defense of a graduation project, when a student received an A just because he called a textbook a good one, which the chairwoman of the commission hated. And he knew about it, but decided to "go for the principle." Was it worth it? I think no.

3. Work during the semester

Obvious but true. It is better to work proactively, and the material will have time to be deposited in the head, if consumed in small portions. And if you work in practical classes, you can earn "buns" that can turn into extra points on the exam. For example, at one time I got excellent results largely due to the fact that I passed the reading of texts by heart before anyone else on the course.

4. Find out for what how many points are given

First of all, it concerns exams with clear assessment criteria. For example, on the Unified State Exam in English, the task for reading aloud gives only one point, and the rest of the oral tasks - up to three points. Therefore, you can not do this task at all, but focus on more "profitable" questions.

5. Understand how important the assessment is to you

Based on the answer to this question, you can understand how much time to devote to preparation and how to behave on the day of the exam. Do you want a high rating? Come in the top five. The teacher is not tired yet, he will ask "with passion", but he will listen attentively. Also, he will most likely agree to give an additional question if you want a higher score.

On the other hand, it is known that weak students are the last to enter, however, the bar is usually lower at the end: the teacher wants to leave as soon as possible. Therefore, for the answer to "two plus" it is much easier to get a three at the end than at the beginning.

6. During the exam, keep your nose downwind and do not slow down

Interesting discoveries can be expected even there. Once I was taking an exam in literature. The system was as follows: a student gives the teacher a list of references, in which the read works are underlined (at least 70% of the list, for revealed deception - minus a point). Several people answered in front of me, and all of them did not read "Quiet Don", about which the teacher was very sorry. I realized that this was my chance, took the eraser and erased the underline under this piece.

When my turn came, the teacher noted with displeasure: "And you also did not read" Quiet Don "!" I made big eyes and said that I had read, I just apparently forgot to emphasize. Needless to say, my answer on this exam consisted almost entirely of a discussion of my favorite piece.

So find out in advance what is required on the exam, who will take it and how, figure out what result you need, work during the semester and act according to the situation on the exam. And of course, get ready. Hope you find these tips useful.

How do you prepare for exams? Share in the comments.
